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Chris Botti -Impressions (印象)[24 bits 44 KHz][FLAC]_eD2k地址_欧美音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: Impressions
专辑中文名: 印象
歌手: Chris Botti
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24 bits 44 KHz]
发行时间: 2012年04月17日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!

全球最畅销顶尖小号手 睽违乐坛五年空降美国爵士榜冠军最新力作歌神-波伽利 流行乐教父-大卫佛斯特 爵士天王-贺比.汉考克 携手助阵他的音乐,充满独特的浪漫表情,带给听者无限的想像空间。全球最帅气的小号手-克里斯伯堤,再度邀集一线巨星参与他的全新创意大碟『印象』,包括盲歌神Andrea Bocelli、 乡村天王Vince Gill、黑人乐大师Herbie Hancock、「险峻海峡合唱团」主唱Mark Knopfler及流行教父David Foster等超级巨星,以最迷人的旋律,上演一场氛围亲密的音乐聆赏饗宴。
自小深受钢琴师母亲的影响,加上Miles Davis经典“My Funny Valentine”的音乐感召,克里斯伯堤一心朝演奏家生涯迈进,并成为全球独一无二的顶尖小号手。他不但多次入围葛莱美奖,并拥有三张美国榜冠军专辑,自2004年以“When I Fall In Love”成功跨进主流市场后,克里斯伯堤已是当代最受欢迎的音乐玩家,稳坐流行演奏乐巨星第一把交椅,不论『义大利风情』(4780029)或是『波士顿巨星之夜』(2715817 )等专辑,都在在说明他在娱乐圈的好人缘及影响力,更带给乐迷一次又一次的视听惊喜。
这张新专辑的发想,来自於他学习小号之始,用来琢磨吹奏技巧的、大家熟稔的经典旋律,即兴幻化成异想的綺丽世界。先发的歌神-波伽利以一贯迷人的韵味, 唱出义式的美丽与哀愁,“Per Te(献给你)”延续了Italia的深情无限;乡村天王-文斯吉尔担纲演唱的“Losing You”,捎来温暖南方的关爱、抚平伤痛。拥有14座葛莱美奖的大师-贺比汉考克,以他精湛的琴技在“Tango Suite”中带来纽约上城的曼妙风情,摇摆唱和著伯堤的瀟洒流畅。
流行乐教父-大卫佛斯特更亲自弹奏,为伯堤加持盖西文经典名曲 “Summertime”,此曲在两人默契无瑕的改写下,令人迷炫的程度更上层楼。电影『绿野仙踪』里的奥斯卡最佳主题曲“Over the Rainbow”,也被赋予全新的定义,在温暖宜人的乐音中,呈现出欧式的迷离风情。专辑结尾的“What A Wonderful World’,邀来「险峻海峡合唱团」的主唱 Mark Knopfler,他跳脱摇滚天王的飆嗓,回归充满熟男魅力的绅士浪漫,更是让人拍案叫绝!
艺人 Chris Botti (克里斯‧伯堤)
发行月份 2012-Mar
类型 西洋歌曲, 爵士音乐
Chris Botti / Impressions
克里斯伯堤 / 印象
发行公司:Linfair Records Limited/DECCA
演出者:克里斯.波提 Chris Botti
张数:1 张 - 1CD
01 Prelude No. 20 In C Minor C小调前奏曲第20号
02 Per Te (For You) ( featuring Andrea Bocelli ) 献给你
03 En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor 恋恋阿兰费兹
04 You Are Not Alone 你不孤单
05 Losing You ( featuring Vince Gill ) 失去你
06 Tango Suite ( featuring Herbie Hancock ) 探戈组曲
07 Setembro 九月
08 Oblivion ( featuring Caroline Campbell ) 遗忘
09 Sevdah 塞维达
10 Summertime ( featuring David Foster ) 夏日时光
11 Contigo En La Distancia 远距相恋
12 Over The Rainbow 越过彩虹
13 What A Wonderful World ( featuring Mark Knopfler ) 美妙世界
Impressions 专辑内13首歌曲﹐仍是运用大堆头的制作模式﹐自从2004年的 When I Fall In Love﹐唱片监制为Chris 的专辑的注入弦乐之后﹐他这种制作模式就走向不归路了﹐而且越见大型﹑越见澎湃。再者从他初期的 Columbia 专辑只得 Sting 助阵﹐到现在一眾繁星伴月﹐更是不可同日而语﹐这次助阵的包括意大利男高音Andrea Bocelli﹑美国乡谣男歌手Vince Gill﹑爵士乐名人Herbie Hancock﹑小提琴家Caroline Campbell (她也负责专辑中7首作品的 Orchestra 部份)﹑金牌唱片监制David Foster﹐连摇滚乐结他手 Mark Knopfler 不单参与﹐而且更为他献声﹐真是跨张。
一张很柔情的Impression 专辑﹐实在让人听得好舒服﹐然而听毕好几次﹐却留不下甚么深刻印象来﹐是一张单单让人舒服的专辑﹑一张Jazz Album 又或是一张杂锦合辑? 令我不时陷份混乱之中。或许爵士乐配上弦乐﹐确是带来更高格调﹑更优雅之感﹐可是却少了一种近距离的亲切感。说真的﹐要制作一张好听又好人个人风格﹐又以小号作为主角的专辑﹐实在很难﹐除非像Louis Armstrong 那么有主导个性﹐他要不是吹著小号﹐就是献声唱歌﹐一切都那么 Arnstrong 就是了。听著 Chris Botti 专辑﹐遇上背后的弦乐团﹐往往让我想到﹕Chris 你在那里了﹖听到有 Guest 献声的歌曲﹐我又会很自然突然想到﹕Chris 又在那里了﹖或者说当歌者的歌声出现时﹐很自然主唱就变成主角了﹐小号的位置落得不重要﹐若要提醒大家Chris 的存在﹐那几声 Fill In 就落得不协调了﹐像 Vince Gill 的Losing You﹐主唱跟音乐过门其实像连起来的Medley﹐6分鐘的歌曲﹐Vince Gill 唱完3分鐘就可收工了﹐接下来才是Chris 的出场﹐那算是甚么合作了﹖Per Te (For You) 由 Chris Botti 及 David Foster 合写﹐并由Andrea Bocelli 负责主唱﹐Chris 负责在歌曲的 Intro 及结尾出现﹐感觉不用前后段﹐这歌光由 Bocelli + 弦乐团就已经很足够﹑很完整了。
Tango Suite 由 Chris Botti 跟 Herbie Hancock 合写﹐Herbie Hancock琴键与Chris Botti的小号已不见协调﹐可是还有弦乐团当小三﹐真是“三人的世界”。有时候﹐我会想﹕当Chris Botti 没有那些弦乐﹑没有嘉宾乐手或主唱这些华丽外衣﹐他撑起的音乐会﹐还有多少看头呢﹖至於 David Foster 为 Summertime 伴奏﹐不是不好﹐但就如他的拿手好戏﹐拿老歌来大翻新﹐没有甚么不好﹐就是没啥特别就是了。至於 Mark Knopfler 这位我曾经非常喜欢的结他手﹐现在的表现真是很老伯伯就是了﹐很难想像当年他吸引我是因为他是摇滚结他手﹐唱起老歌What a Wonderful World﹐就真是连牙都老掉了~ 还有那Over The Rainbow﹐世上还要多少个版本呢?
倒觉得如 You’re Not Alone﹑Setembro﹑Sevdah﹐Contigo En La Distancia﹐又或是加入 Caroline Campbell 小提琴演奏的 Oblivion﹐这才是我比较喜欢的 Chris Botti呢~

Release Date April 17, 2012
Duration 01:02:59
Genre Vocal Classical Jazz
Styles Concerto Standards Vocal Pop Chamber Music Classical Crossover Contemporary Jazz Jazz Instrument Trumpet Jazz
AllMusic Review by Matt Collar [-]
Trumpeter Chris Botti follows up his 2007 classical-themed album Italia and his smash 2009 concert album Live in Boston with 2012's Impressions. In many ways, Impressions combines the best of those two earlier albums by featuring more of the classical crossover and Latin-inflected style of Italia with a few pop reinterpretations and a handful of guest vocalists as in much of his previous work. Produced by famed fusion drummer and longtime Botti associate Bobby Colomby, Impressions is a languid and expertly crafted album in which Botti's burnished, lyrical trumpet tone is often framed against lush orchestrations via arrangers including Vince Mendoza, Gil Goldstein, and others. To these ends, we get a gorgeous take on Frédéric Chopin's Prelude No. 20 in C Minor, a duet with opera star Andrea Bocelli on the David Foster/Botti composition "Per Te [For You]," and a moving, Miles Davis-inspired duo version of R. Kelly's "You Are Not Alone" featuring guitarist Leonardo Amuedo. Also intriguing are such cuts as Botti's brooding and sultry collaboration with jazz piano legend Herbie Hancock on "Tango Suite," his yearning, cinematic take on Astor Piazzolla's "Oblivion" with violinist Caroline Campbell, and his stark duet on the Gershwin standard "Summertime" with pianist Foster. Elsewhere, we get a Broadway-inspired rendition of Randy Newman's "Losing You" featuring country singer Vince Gill, a re-pairing with guitarist Amuedo on the classic "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," and an inspired interpretation of the Louis Armstrong number "What a Wonderful World" featuring guitarist/singer Mark Knopfler. As with most of Botti's oeuvre, Impressions is a lyrical, romantic, and impeccably produced album that makes the most of the trumpeter's generous skills.
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Sony Legacy
Run Time: 63 minutes
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsAstounding
ByShonnie Bachon October 15, 2013
Format: Audio CD|Verified Purchase
When I first listened to Chris Botti's "Impressions" album, I wasn't sure what to think of it. There was an opera song, a country song (Randy Newman composer and Vince Gill singer and, of course, Chris Botti trumpeter) and a variety of other musical genres on this album. Quite different from the other Botti albums I have and love a lot.
But after listening to this CD a few times, I seriously fell in love with it. "Losing You" stayed in my head for days. "Per Te" (For You) featuring Andrea Bocelli then captured my mind; I couldn't wait to hear it again. Then "Sevdah" started to be part of my everyday existence. And Mark Knopfler singing "What A Wonderful World" was just sheer happiness.
Wow! Everything on this CD is truly beautiful.
Impressions it is. Yes.

01. Prelude No. 20 In C Minor [04:55]
02. Per Te (For You) featuring Andrea Bocelli [04:25]
03. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor [05:27]
04. You Are Not Alone [03:23]
05. Losing You featuring Vince Gill [06:11]
06. Tango Suite featuring Herbie Hancock [06:39]
07. Setembro [03:04]
08. Oblivion featuring Caroline Campbell [04:23]
09. Sevdah [05:47]
10. Summertime featuring David Foster [03:42]
11. Contigo En La Distancia [4:07]
12. Over The Rainbow [03:22]
13. What A Wonderful World featuring Mark Knopfler) [07:34]
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