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Richard Galliano New York Trio -Ruby, My Dear(亲爱的露比)[APE]_eD2k地址_欧美音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: Ruby, My Dear
专辑中文名: 亲爱的露比
歌手: Richard Galliano New York Trio
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 2005年08月23日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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■手风琴 理查‧盖利安诺 (Richard Galliano)
■鼓 克拉伦斯‧潘 (Clarence Penn)
■低音贝斯 赖瑞‧葛伦?迪 (Larry Grenadier)
■特别收录: Ruby, My Dear、L’Insidieuse、Historia de un Amor、Bohemia After Dark、Gnossienne NO. 1、Spleen、Waltz for Nicky
多年来理查‧盖利安诺一直在手风琴的音乐领域上不断的寻求突破与创新,他不仅只满足於爵士与探戈跨界领域的创作,跳脱既有的音乐藩篱,风格不属於单一派别,融合古典与现代的音乐元素,创造出属於他自己独帜一格的盖式乐派,除了出神入化的手风琴演奏技巧让人嘆为观止,他在音乐上的创作亦是大胆创新、作出多首经典曲目广为流传,是目前世界排名第一的手风琴大师。 因为2003年参与在纽约林肯中心演出的一场音乐会,让理查‧盖利安诺有了一个想法,就是透过不同文化与音乐上的交流,更可以激发彼此在音乐上不同的火花,於是他成立了这个纽约三重奏,找来两个纽约客、他们俩同时也是当今新生代爵士钢琴名家布瑞德‧梅尔道(Brad Meldhau)的固定合作班底,分别是鼓手克拉伦斯‧潘(Clarence Penn)和低音贝斯手赖瑞‧葛伦?迪(Larry Grenadier),共同成立这个纽约三重奏在全球各地作巡迴演出,理查‧盖利安诺期待以这个跨国的合作能够在音乐上有更多的激盪与创新!
这张专辑是2004年1月1日在罗马北方奥维尔图(Orvieto)所举行的新年音乐会现场实况录音,理查‧盖利安诺以瑟隆尼斯‧孟克的经典曲“Ruby, My Dear”开始了新春音乐会的序曲,新浪漫主义的乐风为整场演奏会营造了一个绝佳的唯美气氛,紧接而后理查‧盖利安诺演奏了自己的创作曲“L’Insidieuse”,一首行板的跨界探戈曲,之后的三首曲目整场演唱会的重头戏,分别是著名的世界民谣“Historia de un Amor”、以及探索著名低音贝斯手Oscar Pettiford 音乐深度的经典曲“Bohemia After Dark”、和呈现西班牙作曲家萨堤的现代主义的名曲“Gnossienne NO. 1”,下半场则是演奏理查‧盖利安诺个人的四首创作曲为主;整场音乐会充满了和谐与温暖的感觉,爵士的即兴演奏中带有跨界的古典音乐元素,尽情挥洒的音符里满是跳跃的感动,极致探索音乐的无限可能、理查‧盖利安诺又一张个人代表作!他并将这张专辑献给过世的莎冈(Francoise Sagan)、这位以“日安忧鬱”一夜成名法国文坛永恒爱神的作家,悼念她在文学创作的多采多姿的一生。
商品条码 : 3460503667020
商品编号 : FDM366702
艺人/团体 : 理查盖利安诺 Richard Galliano - 查看所有专辑
专辑名称 : 亲爱的露比
Ruby My Dear
音乐类型 : 爵士 [CD 专辑]
发行公司/日期 : 彗智 2005/8/26
制作公司 :
内含片数 : 1

Audio CD (August 23, 2005)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Dreyfus
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Richard Galliano: Ruby, My Dear
August 16, 2005
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Richard Galliano: Ruby, My Dear As with a lot of good music, there are numerous times during Richard Galliano's Ruby, My Dear where you find yourself not hearing the instrumentation or even the song really—instead, you find yourself joyously lost in the sound being created. Ruby, My Dear isn't the album that will mark the accordion as an instrument that has arrived, however it does make a strong case for its inclusion as a legitimate jazz vehicle.
Richard Galliano has been working to promote the accordion for well over 25 years now, and he has done more than just about any other musician in pulling the instrument into legitimacy for the mainstream jazz audience. It certainly warrants the attention, since the accordion can color a melody in so many variant shades that one wonders why it hasn't been accepted in general. The variations in color Galliano can coax from his instrument are bountiful—from whispers to roars and from heartfelt melodies to dissonant stabs—and they always serve the music.
Having worked with the likes of Chet Baker, Michel Petrucciani, Jan Garbarek, Joe Zawinul, and Enrico Rava, among a host of other heavyweights, Galliano called on bassist Larry Grenadier and drummer Clarence Penn for this outing, dubbing the group his New York Trio. And to be sure, this configuration pushes the music towards a swaggering swinging sound.
Recorded live in Italy, this program of invigorating music opens on its most sentimental and overwrought note with Thelonious Monk's "Ruby, My Dear. The lushness of Galliano's interpretation may sometimes feel a bit heavy-handed, and if it were placed further back in the program, it would sing a little more truthfully. He uses the accordion to sweep across the melody and works the standard in a number ways. And even if it does sound a bit affected, it orients the listener for an album that consistently outperforms any preconceived notions.
Grenadier deserves special note for his contributions as a flexible foil and a beautiful solo voice. His playing on songs such as "Bohemia After Dark or "L'insidieuse is fraught with constant propulsion that swings harder than most bass solos today. And what really serves the group is that they don't come off as your typical muddy bass solo spots, because he always deals with the melody and rhythm, and his voice is recorded pristinely.
One of the most interesting and collaborative songs on the album is Galliano's "Naia, where Galliano introduces the song through some nice swells and darting sounds from his accordion. Penn and Grenadier join with aplomb, and as things move along Penn begins to stretch the time and dynamics, pushing Galliano from the lighthearted theme to some heavy interactive ensemble playing, at one time evolving into a free section of dialogue between the leader and drummer.
With a high level of interactivity and group cohesiveness, these sonorities meld into a sound that can carry you away.
Visit Richard Galliano on the web.
Track Listing: Ruby, My Dear; L'Insidieuse; Historia De Un Amor; Bohemia After Dark; Gnossienne No. 1; Teulada; Naia; Spleen; Waltz For Nicky.
Personnel: Richard Galliano: accordion; Larry Grenadier: acoustic bass; Clarence Penn: drums and percussion.
Year Released: 2005 | Record Label: Dreyfus Records | Style: Straight-ahead/Mainstream

1. Ruby, My Dear
2. L'insidieuse
3. Historia De Un Amor
4. Bohemia After Dark
5. Gnossienne No. 1
6. Teulada
7. Naia
8. Spleen
9. Waltz For Nicky
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