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The Wave Quartet -巴哈协奏曲 / 木琴浪潮四重奏(Bach Concertos)[24 bits 44 KHz][FLAC]

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        专辑英文名: Bach Concertos
专辑中文名: 巴哈协奏曲 / 木琴浪潮四重奏
艺术家: The Wave Quartet
古典类型: 协奏曲
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24 bits 44 KHz]
发行时间: 2017年09月04日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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米契‧葛瑞格Michi Gaigg (指挥)
奥菲欧巴洛克古乐团L'Orfeo Barockorchester
木琴浪潮四重奏团来自德国柏林,从一开始创办即是为了巴哈而生的。该团的四位木琴乐手全部都是来自柏林当地训练出身的打击乐手,创办人波丹.巴卡奴(Bogdan Bacanu)是奥地利林兹布鲁克纳私立音乐大学的木琴教授,他二十三岁就获聘教职,是全球最年轻的木琴教授。他更曾拿下奥地利年度最佳音乐家的头衔,来自萨尔兹堡的他,毕业於萨尔兹堡莫札特音乐院,师承知名打击乐手彼得‧萨德罗(Peter Sadlo),他因为深爱巴哈的音乐,在二零零八年为了能够在木琴上演奏巴哈的双大键琴协奏曲而创立了木琴浪潮四重奏团,该团的团名是由另一个木琴二重奏团:木琴浪潮二重奏改成的,因为在木琴浪潮四重奏团中有两名团员就是木琴浪潮二重奏团的原创办人:内山咏美子(Emiko Uchiyama)和巫拉底‧佩卓夫(Vladi Petrov)。他们两人最早以木琴浪潮二重奏在零七年拿下比利时环球木琴大赛首奖,之后就成为当代最知名的木琴二重奏团,隔年当巴卡奴要组木琴四重奏团时,他们两人即成为团中的核心人物。该团的第四位灵魂人物克里斯多夫‧席岑(Christoph Sietzen)也是当代打击乐界的翘楚,他二十二岁就获聘维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学的讲师,也在慕尼黑ARD音乐大赛中获奖,十三岁就在奥地利各大小奖项中获奖连连,被誉为打击乐界的天才神童。
本片中,木琴浪潮四重奏一共演奏了四首巴哈的大键琴协奏曲,包含一首单大键琴协奏曲、两首双大键琴协奏曲、还有一首四大键琴协奏曲。单大键琴协奏曲由双木琴演奏,双大键琴就要动用全团四人来演奏、最后一首四大键琴协奏曲则还要另外请到四位额外的木琴演奏家参与,共动用八位木琴演奏家同台。这里面C大调双大键琴协奏曲原是D小调双小提琴协奏曲BWV1043改写而成,曲中的行板乐章非常知名,许多电影都曾引用(悲怜上帝的女儿);A小调四大键琴协奏曲则是改编自韦瓦第四把小提琴协奏曲,近年因为韦比尔音乐节(The Verbier Festival)上阿格丽希、纪新、李文等四位知名钢琴家共同演奏而大受欢迎,在此由八部木琴共同演奏,更是让人眼花撩乱,展现木琴惊人超技。
巴哈协奏曲 / 木琴浪潮四重奏
Bach Concertos / The Wave Quartet
张数:1 张 - 1CD
艺人 The Wave Quartet
发行月份 2017-Sep
类型 古典音乐

J S Bach
Keyboard Concerto No. 1 in D minor, BWV1052 arr. for 2 marimbas and orchestra
Concerto for Two Keyboards in C minor, BWV1062arr. for 4 marimbas and orchestra
Concerto for Four Keyboards in A minor (after Vivaldi), BWV1065arr. for 4 marimbas and orchestra
Concerto for Two Keyboards in C major, BWV1061arr. for 8 marimbas and orchestra
The Wave Quartet (marimba quartet)
Four harpsichord concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 1052, 1061, 1062 and 1065) in an exciting new arrange-ment for marimba ensemble and orchestra. The Wave Quartet has been hailed as one of the most interesting newcomers in the field of classical music. Partnering on this album with the renowed L´Orfeo Barockorchster under the direction of Michi Gaigg. This new arrangement makes these popular concertos sound refreshingly light and modern. Specialist promo & marketing activity.
CD (7 septembre 2017)
Nombre de disques: 1
Format : CD, Import
Label: Sony Classical
ASIN : B073W211XP
The Wave Quartet has been hailed as one of the most interesting newcomers in the field of classical music. "The Wave Quartet has
long since ceased to be an insider tip but they are still refreshingly different thanks to their exquisite sound”. (Crescendo)
With their “flawless technique and impeccable ensemble playing” (Supersonic Award) they repeatedly succeed in questioning old
listening habits and ensuring that familiar works sound completely new and fascinating.
This is also the case with their new Bach album released by Sony Classical. Joining forces with the Baroque orchestra L’Orfeo under
the direction of Michi Gaigg they have recorded four harpsichord concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 1052, 1061, 1062 and
1065) in their own arrangement for marimba ensemble and orchestra. This new arrangement makes these popular concertos sound
refreshingly light and modern. At the concerts they gave in the run-up to their recording, the music was enthusiastically received by their audiences.

01. Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, BWV 1052, Arr. for 2 Marimbas and Orchestra / I. Allegro - Bogdan Bacanu
02. Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, BWV 1052, Arr. for 2 Marimbas and Orchestra / II. Adagio - Bogdan Bacanu
03. Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, BWV 1052, Arr. for 2 Marimbas and Orchestra / III. Allegro - Bogdan Bacanu
04. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Major, BWV 1061, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / I. Allegro
05. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Major, BWV 1061, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / II. Adagio ovvero Largo
06. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Major, BWV 1061, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / III. Fuga. Vivace
07. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Minor, BWV 1062, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / I. Allegro
08. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Minor, BWV 1062, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / II. Andante e piano
09. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Minor, BWV 1062, Arr. for 4 Marimbas and Orchestra / III. Allegro assai
10. Concerto for 4 Harpsichords in A Minor, BWV 1065, Arr. for 8 Marimbas and Orchestra / I. Allegro
11. Concerto for 4 Harpsichords in A Minor, BWV 1065, Arr. for 8 Marimbas and Orchestra / II. Largo
12. Concerto for 4 Harpsichords in A Minor, BWV 1065, Arr. for 8 Marimbas and Orchestra / III. Allegro
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