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Richard Galliano -莫札特作品选_eD2k地址_古典音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: Mozart
专辑中文名: 莫札特作品选 - 手风琴演奏篇
艺术家: Richard Galliano
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24 bits 96 KHz]
发行时间: 2016年07月01日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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莫札特作品选 - 手风琴演奏篇/Richard Galliano Play Mozart
产品条码: 0028948126620
产品编号: 4812662
发行公司: DG [发行商品]
发行日期: 2016年07月01日
产品制造地: 欧美 .
发行类型: 手风琴 . 低音提琴 . 大提琴 . 小提琴 . 中提琴 . 室内乐 . 古典 . CD .
内装片数: 1片
[1] 莫札特:土耳其风格(选自A大调第十一号钢琴奏鸣曲《土耳其》K. 331第三乐章)
[2] 莫札特:慢板(选自D大调第一号长笛与弦乐四重奏,K. 285第二乐章)
莫札特:G大调第十三号弦乐小夜曲,K. 525
[3] 第一乐章:快板 [4] 第二乐章:浪漫曲,行板
[5] 第三乐章:小步舞曲 [6] 第四乐章:轮旋曲
[7] 莫札特:为独唱者、合唱团与管弦乐团所写的《懺悔者的庄严晚祷》,K. 339
莫札特:A大调单簧管协奏曲,K. 622
[8] 第一乐章:快板 [9] 第二乐章:慢板 [10] 第三乐章:轮旋曲
[11] 莫札特:C大调为玻璃琴所写的慢板,K. 356/617a
艺人 Richard Galliano (李察盖利安诺)
发行月份 2016-May
类型 古典音乐

Have you ever wondered what might’ve happened if Mozart had been born a Parisian busker rather than an Austrian composer? Neither had I until I heard virtuoso French accordionist Richard Galliano’s Mozart album. Normally I am a purest, and find that any attempt to ‘improve’ Mozart’s music is in fact to vitiate it. However, I have been unexpectedly charmed by Galliano’s Mozart arrangements. Surprising, considering that I wasn’t a big fan of his previous Vivaldi album: I found the accordion too cumbersome an instrument for the sprightly and brilliant Four Seasons.
Rondo alla Turca – the third movement of Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11 – is probably one of the most recognisable pieces of classical music in the Western canon, and it has been performed, arranged and rearranged practically to death. Its overuse in no way lessened my utter, undefiled enjoyment at Galliano’s version of it, performed by Galliano with vim and vigour. The accordion lends itself particularly well to the solo part in Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto. Here, the orchestral accompaniment has been arranged for string quintet, and the resulting texture is similar to that of the Clarinet Quintet. Galliano’s Mozart is the perfect blend of joie de vivre and classical elegance.
Catalogue No: 4812662
Discs: 1
Release date: 17th June 2016
Barcode: 0028948126620
Length: 58 minutes
Legendary accordionist Richard Galliano again forges new paths in classical music with this album of well-known Mozart pieces.
The third album of classical repertoire from the legendary jazz accordionist, this follows his extremely successful albums of Bach and Vivaldi which sold over 50,000 copies in France alone.
Richard Galliano shows a clear empathy for the music of Mozart, largely borne from his origins playing classical music at the beginning of his career before turning his attentions to jazz.
Here he enlists the help of a talented sextet of musicians to enable the listener to experience some of these best-loved works as they’ve never heard them before.

01. Sonate pour piano No. 11, K. 331 (Marche turque)
02. Quatuor No. 1 en ré majeur pour flute et trio de cordes, K. 285 2. Quatuor No. 1 en ré majeur pour flute et trio de cordes, K. 285
03. I. Allegro 3. I. Allegro
04. II. Romance (Andante) 4. II. Romance (Andante)
05. III. Menuet et trio (Allegretto) 5. III. Menuet et trio (Allegretto)
06. IV. Rondo (Allegro) 6. IV. Rondo (Allegro)
07. Laudate Dominum 7. Laudate Dominum
08. I. Allegro 8. I. Allegro
09. II. Adagio 9. II. Adagio
10. III. Rondo 10. III. Rondo
11. Adagio pour harmonica de verre en do majeur, K. 617a 11. Adagio pour harmonica de verre en do majeur, K. 617a
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