Kreisler -克莱斯勒小提琴协奏曲 Kreisler’s Violin Concertos 原版唱片抓轨[APE]
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专辑英文名: Kreisler’s Violin Concertos
专辑中文名: 克莱斯勒小提琴协奏曲
艺术家: Kreisler
古典类型: 协奏曲
资源格式: APE
版本: 原版唱片抓轨
发行时间: 2006年
地区: 美国
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提琴独奏:克莱斯勒 Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962)
乐团指挥:Charles O’Connell (15), Donald Voorhees (16-23)
乐团演奏:Philadephia Orchestra / Victor Symphony Orchestra / RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
钢琴伴奏:Carl Lamson (1-9) / Michael Raucheisen (10-11) / Franz Rupp (12-14)
唱片公司:LIVING ERA Classics (英国)
唱片编号:AJC 8561
版本说明:Original mono recordings 1926-1946
资源出处:Jimdrp 原版CD私人收藏,抓轨原发
弗莱什在他的回忆录中说,克莱斯勒是“作为19世纪下半叶主要小提琴家群体 (约阿希姆,萨拉萨蒂,伊萨依,克莱斯勒) 的最后一位代表”,“克莱斯勒还是自伊萨依走下坡路以来我们小提琴家中最重要的人物,我们这一代小提琴家中没一个像他那样从根本上影响了我们这门艺术的发展。在小提琴演奏史上,他不仅是个以其天赋激励并光大了这门艺术的艺术家,还是整个时代最有价值的象征。”
[写在录音日期(日/月/年) 之前的注明是78转黑胶唱片的原厂公司和编号]1. Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962)
Alt-Wiener TanZWeisen – violin & piano (1911)
Liebesfreud (Love’s Joy)
CVE 8951-9 (Victot 6608), New York, 14th April 1926
2. Liebesleid (Love’s Sorrow)
CVE 8950-6 (Victor 6608), New York, 14th April 1926
3. Schon Rosmarin (Fair Rosemary)
BE 12730-3 (Victor 1387), Carnden, New Jersey, 25th March 1927
4. Captice Viennois – violin & piano, Op.2 (1910)
CVE 8940-17 (Victor 6692), New York, 14rh April l926
5. Tambourin Chinois – violin & piano, Op.3 (1911)
CVE 15743-8 (Victor 6844), Camden, New Jersey, 27th February 1928
6. Antonin DVORAK (1841-1904) (arr. Kreisler)
Humoresque No.7 – piano, B187 (1894)
CVE 8941-11 (Victor 6692), Camden, New Jersey, 26th March 1927
7. Franz LERM (1870-1948) (art. Kreisler)
Serenade (Hab’ ein b1aues Himmelbett) (Frasquita – 1922 operetta)
BVE 35124-10 (Victor 1158), New York, 9th April 1926
8. Stephen FOSTER (1826-1864) (art. Kreisler)
Old Folks At Home-song (1851)
BVE 8939-8 (Victor 1325), Camden, New Jersey, 27th February 1928
9. Franti~ek DRDLA (1869-1944)
Souvenir – violin & piano (1904)
BVE 25134-4 (Victor 1325), New York, 2nd February 1928
Carl Lamson, Piano (1-9)
10. Johann BRANDL (1835-1913) (art. Kreisler)
The Old Refrain (Du Alter Stefansturm) (Der Liebe Augustin. 1887 operetta)
BLR6061-3 (HMVDA 1138), Berlin, llth February 1930
11. Richard HEUBERGER (1850-1914) (art. Kreisler)
Midnight Bells (lm chambre separee) (Der Opemball, 1898 opera)
BLR6066-3 (HMV DA 1138), Berlin, 14th February 1930
Michael Raucheisen, Piano (10-11)
12. Nikolay RlMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) (arr. Kreisler)
Chanson lndoue (Song Of India) (Sadko, 1898 opera)
OEA 6094-1 (HMV DA 1627), London, 14th February 1938
13. Ede POLDINI (1869-1957) (art. Kreisler)
Poupee Valsante (Dancing Doll) (Marionnettes, 1895 piano pieces)
OEA 6105-la (HMV DA 1622), London, 15th February 1938
14. Perey GRAINGER (1882-1961) (arr. Kreisler)
Irish Tune From County Derty (Londonderty Air, “Danny Boy”) – string orchestra (1913)
OEA 6107-2 (HMV DA 1622), London, 15th February 1938
Franz Rupp, Piano (12-14)
15. Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962)
La Gitana – violin & piano (1919)
CS 071315-1 (Victor 11-8232), Philadelphia, 15th January 1942
Philadephia Orchestra (“Victor Symphony Orchestra”), Charles O’Connell (15)
16-18. Violin Concerto In C – in the style of Vivaldi (1905)
I Allegro energico ma non troppo
II Andante doloroso
III Allegro molto
D5RC 0949-2a, 0950-2 & 0951-2a (RCA Victm 11-9264/5), New York, 2nd May 1945
19. Chanson Louis XIII & Pavane – in the style of Couperin – violin & piano (1911)
D5RC 0954-la (RCA Victor 11-9264), New Ymk, 9th May 1945
20. Rondino On A Theme By Beethoven (1916)
D5RB 0739-1 (RCA Victor 10-1203), New York, 4tb May 1945
Donald Voorhees & Victor Symphony Orchestra (16-20)
21. Ethelbert NEVIN (1862-1901) (arr. Kreisler)
The Rosary- song (1898)
D6RB 3497-2 (RCA Victm 10-1395), New Ymk, 20th December 1946
22. Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962)
Stars In My Eyes – song (The King Steps Out, 1936 film;
adapted from Who Can Tell?, 1919 operetta Apple Blossoms)
D6RB 3498-2 (RCA Victor 10-1395), New York, 20th December 1946
Donald Voorhees & RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra (21-22)
23. Marche Miniature Viennoise (Miniature Viennese March) (1924)
D5RB 0750-1 (RCA Victm 10-1202), New York, 9th May 1945
Donald Voorhees & Victor Symphony Orchestra (21-22)
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