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中文名: 神秘博士 第一季
英文名称: Doctor Who Season 1
别名: 异世奇人
资源格式: RMVB
版本: [幻翔精校版]全13集[AVI]首播时间: 2005年
演员: Christopher Eccleston … Doctor Who
Billie Piper … Rose Tyler
John Barrowman … Captain Jack Harkness
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
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【类型】: 科幻/冒险/剧情
【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
【集数】: 全季共13集
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 24小时
【官方网站】: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho
【IMDB网站】: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0436992/
1×01 Rose/Rose
1×02 The End of the World/世界末日
1×03 The Unquiet Dead/借尸还魂
1×04 Aliens of London/外星人在伦敦
1×05 World War Three/第叁次世界大战主
1×06 Dalek/Dalek
1×07 The Long Game/无尽的游戏
1×08 Father’s Day/父亲忌日
1×09 The Empty Child/虚无男孩
1×10 The Doctor Dances/博士之舞
1×11 Boom Town/炸弹城
1×12 Bad Wolf/恶狼
1×13 The Parting of the Ways/抉择
“我是博士,逃命吧” ——博士
时隔15年,自1996年中断播出后,神秘博士(Doctor Who)在荧屏上一度枯萎…直到2003年末,BBC一台主管Lorraine Heggessey给了英国观众一则振奋人心的消息:是时候让博士回归荧屏了。负责此次回归的Russell T Davies是着名的电视制作人兼剧作家,亦是长期以来博士忠实的粉丝(多年前他的处女作就是一本关于神秘博士的小说–《受损货物》)。
而得到第九任博士这个角色的,正是享誉电影及电视界的明星Christopher Eccleston。他的同伴Rose Tyler由前流行歌手,演员Billie Piper扮演。博士将与Rose一起到未知的地域探险,从21世纪初的伦敦到维多利亚时代,乃至于地球毁灭前夕的遥远未来。
该剧已被列入吉尼斯世界纪录成为世界上最长的科幻片,其已经成英国流行文化的重要组成部分。该片早年,以其极富想象力的故事,创意的低成本特效而被大家认可,而且,其也是电子音乐应用的先驱(早年音乐由BBC无线电工作坊制作)。在英国和其他地方,该剧受到大量爱好者的追捧,影响了一代又一代英国电视制作人,他们中的许多人是看着该剧长大的。该剧赢的了包括2006年的BAFTA和最受欢迎电视剧(Best Drama Series)在内的,无数评论人员和公众的好评,成为英国最好的电视剧之一。
神秘博士最初播出从1963年到1989年,电视电影/秘密飞行(backdoor pilot)在1996年制作,该片2005年由BBC Wales内部制作,获得巨大成功。(一部分资金由加拿大广播公司(CBC)赞助,他们以合作者身份投资,但是他们并没有参与该剧的制作。) Doctor Who还有各种不同形式的延伸产品,包括最近的电视剧《火炬木小组》(Torchwood)和《莎拉简大冒险》(The Sarah Jane Adventures)。

“I’m the Doctor, run for your life!”
For fifteen years, interrupted only by presence of the 1996 telefilm, Doctor Who languished in a state of television limbo… until in late 2003, BBC1 controller Lorraine Heggessey stunned British viewers by acknowledging that it was about time the good Doctor returned to the airwaves. The man responsible for its return would be Russell T Davies, a celebrated television writer/producer and long-time fan of the Doctor (himself having written a Doctor Who novel for Virgin, “Damaged Goods,” years before.)
And the man who would come to the role was none other than acclaimed film and television star Christopher Eccleston – the ninth Doctor, now incarnate. He would be joined by Rose Tyler, played by sometime pop singer and actress Billie Piper. Together, the Doctor and Rose would explore uncharted territory, be it London in the early 21st century or in the Victorian era, or even in the far future when the Earth is awaiting its final destruction.
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious alien time-traveller known as “the Doctor” who travels in his space and time-ship, the TARDIS, which appears from the exterior to be a blue 1950s police box. With his companions, he explores time and space, solving problems, facing monsters and righting wrongs.
The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world[1] and is also a significant part of British popular culture.[2][3][4] It has been recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects during its original run, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop). In the United Kingdom and elsewhere, the show has become a cult television favourite and has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. It has received recognition from critics and the public as one of the finest British television programmes, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series in 2006.
The programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989. After an unsuccessful attempt to revive regular production with a backdoor pilot in the form of a 1996 television film, the programme was successfully relaunched in 2005, produced in-house by BBC Wales in Cardiff. Some development money for the new series is contributed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which is credited as a co-producer. Doctor Who has also spawned spin-offs in multiple media, including the current television programmes Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, and the 1981 pilot episode K-9 and Company.

Christopher Eccleston(出生于1964.2.16),英国舞台剧,电影电视演员。其在一些着名剧集中有杰出表现,包括Shallow Grave,Elizabeth,28天后(28 Days Later)和Gone in Sixty Seconds,以及神秘博士2005版中出任第九任博士。在结束了神秘博士的博士生涯后,其在大家熟悉的Heros中饰演隐形人,黑暗的崛起The Dark Is Rising中饰演骑士。

1998年,年仅15岁的BILLIE在英国着名偶像杂志Smash Hit所举办的新秀选拔赛中脱颖而出,仅以少女学生的身份,以Because We Want To成为英国排行榜有史以来以首支单曲夺得冠军最年轻的女歌手。Because We Want To也成为第叁届世界杯女足主题歌。2001年5月18岁的她和比她年长16岁的着名DJ,节目制作人 Chris Evans在Las Vegas结婚.从此暂时淡出演艺圈。2005年春天BILLIE和EVANS离婚。2003年BILLIE开始向表演界发展。神秘博士之后,其出演了ITV《应召女郎秘密日记》的演出。2008年初,与演员Laurence Fox结婚。

John Scot Barrowman (1967.3.11出生于苏格兰格拉斯哥的费农山脉) 是一位苏格兰的美籍演员,音乐剧表演者,歌舞演员,歌手以及电视节目主持人。他曾在美国居住与工作过。JB是位公开的同性恋,目前,他与老公(或译为公民伴侣)Scott Gill住在英国。
JB以他的在英国电视剧中的表演以及出席各种脱口秀节目而被大家熟悉。他最杰出的表现,莫过于对神秘博士以及其衍生剧火炬木小组中的Jack Harkness上校这一角色的扮演。他也出现在各种轻娱乐节目中,例如Going Live, Live & Kicking, Any Dream Will Do, How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? 以及I’d Do Anything, 和名人溜冰秀Dancing On Ice. 由于九岁的时候,全家移民到美国伊利诺斯州,Barrowman说着一口流利的美国腔。但是面对家人或身处苏格兰,他又会转回苏格兰腔。
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