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专辑英文名: Solace
专辑中文名: 天空印象
艺术家: Michael Hoppé
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 2003年04月08日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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厂牌:Spring Hill
Solace为Michael Hoppé个人第13张的最新专辑,获得2003年葛莱美New Age题名,amazon New Age排名前十名的殊荣。专辑全为他个人作曲, 并特邀来布拉格交响乐团演奏其中四首, 以及Vangelis(电影”火战车”奥斯卡最佳原创配乐奖), 客串演奏”The Parting”. 其余的曲子由他分别邀了各类乐器大师和声乐家一起搭配, 合奏出扣人心弦的作品.
专辑的音乐依然延续他一贯风格, 旋律朴实优美, 意境浪漫感人, 是抚慰休养你我心灵的最佳音乐. 在发行12张专辑之后,作曲家和键盘手Michael Hoppé邀得布拉格交响乐团及享有盛名的Vangelis一起合作用他那宁静和具有康复疗效的音乐进行了一次美好而令人难忘的探索。
在这张专辑中, 赢得无数授奖和国际赞誉的Michael Hoppé再次向我们展示了他那独特的想象力, 透过柔缓的音符带给我们安宁和心灵慰籍, 并由此获得了第46届格莱美提名。

The search for solace involves a difficult reconciliation of conflicting emotions, pitting one’s need to grieve at odds with a heavy-hearted realization that life, however diminished, must go on. Using an audio palette of grays and dark blues, Michael Hoppe offers Solace as a balm for the soul during such times, “where the dark clouds in life give way to the glow of eternal hope and peace.” The clouds never fully lift during the 12 tracks of Solace, which appear to progress in a stages-of-mourning manner. The effect can be moving, even lovely (particularly the grand orchestral opener, “The Majestic Land,” one of four splendid selections involving the Prague Symphony — recorded remotely via an Internet link, of all things). The prevailing mood is melancholy but not quite maudlin; two angelic arias (“Pie Jesu,” which Hoppe had written for the memorial service of his wife’s mother, and “Lachrymosa”) are tearless, reverent expressions that aspire to the divine. The closing moment of “The Parting,” a retooled but otherwise ordinary composition from 1986 that involves Vangelis, finally yields a sense of closure. For those in a state of bereavement, Hoppe’s Solace may offer you comfort. –Terry Wood
01. This Majestic Land
Composed by Michael Hoppé
Performed by Prague Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Adam Klemens
02. So You
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Martin Tillman, Michael Hoppé
03. Romance for Violin And Orchestra
Composed by Michael Hoppé
Performed by Prague Symphony Orchestra
with Lubomir Havlak
Conducted by Adam Klemens
04. Lachrymosa
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Michael Hoppé, Heidi Fielding
05. Beloved
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Kenton Youngstrom, Michael Hoppé
06. Renouncement
Composed by Michael Hoppé
Performed by Prague Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Adam Klemens
07. Judes Theme
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Michael Hoppé, Eugene Fodor
08. Nimbus
Composed by Michael Hoppé
Performed by Prague Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Adam Klemens
09. Elegy (for Joan)
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Michael Hoppé, Andrzej Bauer
10. Pie Jesu
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Michael Hoppé, Heidi Fielding, Dwain Briggs
11. Farewell
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Michael Hoppé, Heidi Fielding, Harold Moses
12. The Parting
Composed by Michael Hoppé
with Vangelis



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