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中文名: Cinema 4D 动画版
英文名: MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.008
发行时间: 2008年
制作发行: MAXON
地区: 美国
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!



Cinema 4D 的前身是 1989 年发表的软件 FastRay,最初只发表在 Amiga 上。Amiga 是一种早期的个人电脑系统,当时还没有图形界面。两年后,在 1991 年 FastRay 更新到了1.0,但是,这个软件当时还并没有有涉及到三维领域。1993 年 FastRay 更名为 CINEMA 4D 1.0,仍然在 Amiga 上发布。
– MoGraph系统:在 Cinema 4D 9.6 版本中首次出现,他将提供给艺术家一个全新的维度和方法,又为 Cinema 4D 添上了一个绝对利器。它将类似矩阵式的制图模式变的极为简单有效而且极为方便,一个单一的物体,经过奇妙的排列和组合,并且配合各种效应器的帮助,你会发现单调的简单图形也会有不可思议的效果。
– 毛发系统:Cinema 4D 所开发的毛发系统也是起今为止最强大的系统之一。
– Advanced Render:高级渲染模块。Cinema 4D 的渲染插件非常强大何以渲染出极为逼真的效果。
– BodyPaint 3D :三维纹理绘画使用这个模块可以直接在三维模型上进行绘画,有多种笔触支持压感和图层功能,功能强大。
– Dynamics:动力学模块提供了模拟真实物理环境的功能,通过这个模拟的空间可以实现例如重力、风力、质量、刚体、柔体等效果。
– MOCCA:骨架系统,多用于角色设计。
– NET Render:网络渲染模块,可以将几台电脑用网络连接起来,进行同时渲染,可以大大增加渲染速度。
– PyroCluster:云雾系统
– Sketch & Toon:二维渲染插件,可以模拟二维的效果,例如马克笔效果、毛笔效果、素描效果等。
– Thinking Particles:粒子系统
Cinema 4D Studio Bandle 包含建模、动画、渲染[网络渲染]、角色、粒子以及新增的插画等模块,可以说 Maxon CINEMA 4D 提供了一个完整的 3D 创作平台。以致 Maxon 的部分资深用户认为“Cinema 4D : The next generation 3D animation software !”
Cinema 4D 是一款功能超强的三维图像设计工具。Cinema 4D 所拥有强大的3D 建模功能,无论是初学者还是高手都适合使用。Cinema 4D 还包含一个完整的修补时间线、增强造型功能,另外其光线系统提供 50 多种光线和照明模式、收音机按钮式的阴影、音量噪音,增强的预览能力。XL 还可以输出各种广播级质量的图片,XL 能够输出全播放品质的图片和动画 (S-VHS PAL,以16×16超取样) 的图片和动画输出,此外,Cinema 4D支持多重处理、整批成像和可输出 Alpha 通道,还支持超过十多种输出档案格式种外部格式如 DXF、VRML、Lightwave 和 3D Studio 的格式。
CINEMA 4D v11 的发布是 MAXON 公司的一个里程碑,它意味着 MAXON 再一次改进了它的旗舰 3D 建模动画渲染软件的性能,包括工作流程的改进,人物动画帮助功能等等。MAXON 的软件素来以易于使用而闻名业界。
– 新的使用者界面。
– 加强物件/图层管理及浏览(可以有许多方式搜寻)。
– 更容易使用的动画工具。
– 内建 BodyPaint 3D 的功能。
– 更多样的UV编辑工具。
– 更强大的 OpenGL 显示功能(只要显示卡够强,可以显示透明度、环境贴图、及时阴影….等,节省渲算图测试的时间。
– 及时更新算图的区域。
– Advanced Render 合并 Pyrocluster 所有的功能。
– 角色动画工具 MOCCA 有许多的更动包含新的逆向骨骼关节运动及节点系统,自动重力模拟系统,肌肉模拟系统…..等等。
最下面的 .zip 可以直接在 Windows 下使用。

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p a n t h e o n ░ p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s

─│─┤ MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.0 MULTiLANGUAGE *HYBRiD* ├─│─
─│─┤ (c) MAXON ├─│─
│┌┘ Supplier : TEAM PANTHEON 2008 └│┘ Release Date : 09/2008 └┐│
│││ Cracker : TEAM PARADOX 2008 ┌┘┐ Program Type : Design │││
│││ Packager : TEAM PANTHEON 2008 └┌┘ Discs : 1DVD / 84 x 50MB │││
│││ Protection: Serials ┌│┐ Format : .dmg │││
┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌──────────────────────┐─┐
│┌┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └─││ Release Information ││─┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └┐│
││ ││
││ Release Info: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ ││
││ Easy to Use, Professional 3D Animation Software ││
││ ││
││ The next generation, representing two decades of excellence. ││
││ ││
││ The eleventh generation of CINEMA 4D is another milestone in the ││
││ development of professional 3D software and a testament to two decades of ││
││ excellence by MAXON's programming team. Professional 3D animation tools ││
││ have never been easier to use. ││
││ ││
││ The Easiest To Use 3D Application ││
││ ││
││ CINEMA 4D's intuitive interface and logical workflow make it possible for ││
││ those new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive quickly. Feedback ││
││ is smooth and interactive so you can let your creativity run free. ││
││ ││
││ State-of-the-Art Technology ││
││ ││
││ CINEMA 4D's state-of-the-art architecture means it is always the first to ││
││ benefit from new technologies and advancements - 64-bit support on ││
││ Windows and Mac OS or Multiprocessing to name a few. MAXON is a ││
││ development partner of many leading IT companies, including Intel and ││
││ Apple. As such MAXON has early access to many future technologies which ││
││ makes it possible to tailor our products accordingly. Our customers can ││
││ rely on latest technology and maximum security for their investment. ││
││ ││
││ Modularity makes it suitable for all industries. ││
││ ││
││ The core application contains everything you need to create high-end 3D ││
││ images and animations. For those artists whose work demands more than the ││
││ basic application, MAXON provides numerous seamlessly integrated modules. ││
││ Modules can also be purchased individually or in affordable bundles. For ││
││ specific industries, such as architecture and engineering, MAXON also ││
││ offers Editions that contain specially tailored functionality. ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Info: http://www.maxon.net ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ ATTENTiON: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ We have open positions to fill! If you are a talented: ││
││ ││
││ - cracker you can crack commercial protections of any kind? manual ││
││ unpacking or writing keygens? not afraid of flexlm/dongles? ││
││ ││
││ - supplier you got access to unreleased software of any kind? utils, ││
││ (console)games? english, german, french or dutch language? ││
││ ││
││ - dump/shell owner you have fast (eu preferably) dumps and/or shells? ││
││ enough space (100GB+) and speed (100MBit+) for our ││
││ internal group usage? ││
││ ││
││ - hardware supplier you can supply hardware like CPUs, memory, harddisks ││
││ on a regular basis? for free or at least for real ││
││ cheap prices? ││
││ ││
││ If you know what it takes, please do not hesitate and contact us now! ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ NOTE: You MUST NOT ask for technical support, missing files or anything ││
││ else, WE WiLL NOT REPLY THEN! ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Installation: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ ││
││ 1) unRAR, burn/mount image ││
││ 2) check PANTHEON dir ││
││ 3) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release! ││
││ ││
│└┐ ┌┘│
┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌──────────────────────┐─┐
│┌┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └─││ Misc Information ││─┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └┐│
││ ││
││ Auf einmal da. Woher? Warum? Wen juckts? Es ist einfach so. Goettlich. ││
│└┐ ┌┘│


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 ² ² ² ²   ² ² ²±²°²±  ² ² ² ² 
²cXc     ²±²°    cph²
   ‏  ²²  ²‏ ‏  
 ‏ ‏ ‏ ±²²²²°‏ ‏ ‏ 
  ² ²  ²  ± ²  
² ֳ[ MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.008 ]´ ²
² ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ ²
 Supplier : PARADOX 2008 Release Date : 09/2008 
² Cracker : PARADOX 2008 Protection : serials ²
² Packager : PARADOX 2008 Num # Disks : 27 * 4,77MB ²
² System : [ ] Win9X/ME [‏] WinXP Requirements : X86 CPU, +1GB ram ²
² [ ] WinNT [ ] Linux >800MB Hd-Space ²
  [‏] Win2k [ ] Wine  
 ‏ ‏‏‏‏ ‏ 
  ‏‏Release notes:‏‏²  °°
  [...............................]  ²±
 ² ² 
 ±± ±± 
± ±
 
 ° ° 
 ° Easy to Use, Professional 3D Animation Software ° 
 ° ° 
 ° The next generation, representing two decades of excellence. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° The eleventh generation of CINEMA 4D is another milestone in the ° 
 ° development of professional 3D software and a testament to two ° 
 ° decades of excellence by MAXON's programming team. Professional 3D ° 
 ° animation tools have never been easier to use. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° The Easiest To Use 3D Application ° 
 ° ° 
 ° CINEMA 4D's intuitive interface and logical workflow make it ° 
 ° possible for those new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive ° 
 ° quickly. Feedback is smooth and interactive so you can let your ° 
 ° creativity run free. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° State-of-the-Art Technology ° 
 ° ° 
 ° CINEMA 4D's state-of-the-art architecture means it is always the ° 
 ° first to benefit from new technologies and advancements - 64-bit ° 
 ° support on Windows and Mac OS or Multiprocessing to name a few. ° 
 ° MAXON is a development partner of many leading IT companies, ° 
 ° including Intel and Apple. As such MAXON has early access to many ° 
 ° future technologies which makes it possible to tailor our products ° 
 ° accordingly. Our customers can rely on latest technology and ° 
 ° maximum security for their investment. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° Modularity makes it suitable for all industries. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° The core application contains everything you need to create ° 
 ° high-end 3D images and animations. For those artists whose work ° 
 ° demands more than the basic application, MAXON provides numerous ° 
 ° seamlessly integrated modules. Modules can also be purchased ° 
 ° individually or in affordable bundles. For specific industries, ° 
 ° such as architecture and engineering, MAXON also offers Editions ° 
 ° that contain specially tailored functionality. ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° Info: http://www.maxon.net ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° RiPPED: language, help and example files ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 ° ° 
 
 ±± ±± 
 ² ² 
  ‏‏Install notes:‏‏²  
  [...............................]  
 ² ² 
 ±± ±± 
± ±
 
 ° 1. unpack, run CINEMA 4D and/or NET Render Server ° 
 ° 2. register with given serials from keygen in PARADOX dir ° 
 ° 3. choose Edit - Preferences - Language to switch the Language ° 
 ° settings ° 
 ° 4. enjoy another fine PARADOX-Release! ° 
 ° ° 
 
 ² ² 
  ‏‏Greets:‏‏²  
  [...............................]  
 ² ² 
 ±± .CoolPHat tEAM. ±± 
± BACKLASH ^ PANTHEON ^ BLIZZARD ±
 PDXCONSOLE ^ CLASS ^ MYTH ^ RAZOR1911 ^ F4CG 
 ± ± 
 
 ° ° 
   
  ‏‏Contact:‏‏²  
  [...............................]  
 ² ² 
 ±± Sorry, you can't contact us atm ! ±± 
± ±
 Don't call us, we call you :) 
 
 ±±‏‏±± 
 ² ‏ header & layout: CoaXCable / CoolPHat tEAM ‏ ² 
      
 ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² 
 ²° °² ²° °² 
  ‏ ‏  
 [NFO TEXT UPDATE WAS MADE ON: 02/25/2001] 



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Cinema 4D 动画版 MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.008 → http://www.books51.com/844755.html



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