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专辑中文名: Illumination
歌手: Tristania
版本: [WV]发行时间: 2007年
地区: 德国,挪威
语言: 英语
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发行版本:Steamhammer [SPV 99880 CD Ltd.]
专辑风格:Gothic, Symphonic / Metal
来自挪威的Tristania,可说是近期这股Gothic Death Metal浪潮中,表现相当亮眼的一支新兴乐团,挪威系的
哥特金属乐团,在Gothic Doom Metal祖师乐团Theatre of Tragedy的带领之下,再加上挪威系黑死金属乐的影响,使得新进的歌德乐团都承袭了一贯阴冷闇黑、狂野与兼具优美感的优良血统,如今几个后起之秀如 Tristania、The Sins of Thy Beloved、Trail of Tears等,不但在国际上大放异彩,甚至有青出于蓝的表现!(特别是在Theatre of Tragedy转向电子歌德摇滚发展之后) Tristania最早约莫在1993年时就已开始活动,不过乐团的完整阵容则是到了96年底才完全确立。97年5月时,
Tristania自行录制了一张4曲的demo,而这张demo也立即为他们嬴得Napalm Records的唱片合约,这张demo在稍后经过重新混音后以之名发行。98年Tristania发表了首张正式专辑,专辑发行之后,乐团的人气便快速窜升,不过Tristania真正受到全面性的肯定,则是在其99年的第二张专辑发表之后,新鲜丰富的音乐内容也让他们
Tristania的音乐风格展现出了多方的融合和积极创新之下的成果,除了基本的闇黑优美歌德元素外,编曲上大量地运用键盘合成器的各式音色,营造出壮阔优美的情境及气势,阴柔动人的曲调与狂暴的重节奏、黑死腔嘶吼交错而行,并有凄厉的小提琴演奏穿插,不过Tristania最重要的特色则是丰富多样的演唱与合唱编排,包括了死腔、黑腔、clean低吟男腔、声乐女腔以及男女唱诗班等,细致动人的钢琴弹奏、气氛音效,交迭著各式唱腔的壮阔合唱,使得 Tristania的作品带给人极强的新鲜感!乐团出色的音色的运用和处理,再加上绝佳的录音控制,使得音乐所呈现出的音场效果相当的美妙!
这里稍微来谈下Tristania的guest小提琴手Pete Johansen,这位小提琴手也正是其兄弟团The Sins of Thy Beloved中的灵魂乐手,在Gothic/Doom Metal乐团当中有小提琴编制的并不多,但都有很好的加分效果,然而其实大多数的小提琴演奏大都仅是拉简单的单音,而这位Pete兄则是个人所听过所有这些乐团小提琴手当中技巧性最高的一位!同时,他的个人风格也相当强烈,诡谲凄厉的琴音相信只要听过的乐迷印象都会非常深刻!
2001年末所发表的第三张专辑,对於喜爱上张专辑的乐迷而言,刚开始听时可能会和我一样有些不适应,因为风格上有些转变,不过经过多次反覆聆听之后,就逐渐能体会到他们追求突破的企图,专辑整体而言在气氛、情感的呈现上更为细致完整,音乐则不若那般侵略性那么强,包括黑死腔嘶吼、吉他刷扣、鼓击重节奏的部份都收敛不少,由於原男主唱兼吉他手的Morten Veland离团,编制上从双吉他变为单吉他,使得吉他部份显得较薄弱,相对的键盘合成器的份量则是更加吃重,甚至也加入了少许的电子味,不过乐迷不必担心会变得和近期的TOT一样软弱无力,Tristania一贯的猛劲仍然还是维持著,声乐女音在演唱上有更多发挥,同时各式唱腔的合唱编排也更加地丰富!
Ever since the establishment of the band Tristania evolved into one of the most important and most influencing gothic metal bands ever. Their debut album, ‘Widow’s Weeds’, strikes the ultimate album top ten lists of many fans worldwide, and follow-up ‘Beyond the Veil’ was a success as well. The opinions on the first album without band-founder Morten Veland, ‘World of Glass’, differ, just like the ones for ‘Ashes’, released two years ago. But Tristania survived the criticism and are ready for the release of their fifth official studio album ‘Illumination’.
The busy front cover of the album shows, for the first time, the same band logo as on ‘Ashes’, which suggests that the band followed the path they took with their latest release. But there are some changes in the band: since the departure of growler Kjetil last year the function of extreme vocalist has been empty. This automatically means that ‘Illumination’ doesn’t feature as many growls as we’re used to; the ones that are on the album are from guest vocalist Vorph (Samael). A true flaw I have to say, since the combination of Vibeke’s fragile female vocals and the clean and unclean male vocals were one o Tristania’s unique features. The shortage of growls gets replaced by more vocal parts of both Vibeke and Østen, and with both of them I feel like they weren’t ready for such a huge part. The singing of Vibeke in tracks like ‘Open Ground’ and ‘Lotus’ disappoints me a bit, since she doesn’t get to the point where her singing becomes pure emotion, like on the previous albums or in a ballad like ‘Destination Departure’.
The structure of the songs doesn’t differ that much from the ones on ‘Ashes’. The first and the last track, ‘Mercyside’ and ‘Deadlands’ are without doubt the highlights, and also the fragile album ballad ‘Destination Departure’ is beautiful. But there are also some disappointments, like the annoying refrain of ‘Open Ground’ and Østen’s track ‘Fate’. The other songs have a hard time distinguishing themselves from one another, which is a shame for a band that used to offer so much diversity.
Even after I listened to ‘Illumination’ for a few times I can’t make up my mind: do I like this album or not? Generally I can say that it certainly isn’t a bad album, but I expected a lot more from a band like Tristania.
Format: EAC, WV, CUE, LOG, Covers, Booklet By DoenerKebap [MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM]

01. Mecryside
02. Sanguine Sky
03. Open Ground
04. The Ravens
05. Destination Departure
06. Down
07. Fate
08. Lotus
09. Sacrilege
10. In The Wake
11. Deadlands



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