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【片长】: 平均25分钟
【集数】: 未知
【字幕】: 中文
【服 务 器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
【资料整理】:冰块@FRNEWS 转贴请注明出处
【制 作】:风软FRM字幕组+风软FRTVS压制组
《人人都恨克里斯》受艾美奖得主,喜剧明星 Chris Rock的童年经历所启发,讲述了一个青少年于80年代早期在纽约的布鲁克林成长的故事。面对新的邻居,白人居多的学校以及忙碌的父母,Chris需要在学校和家庭两点一线的生活中找到到属于自己的位置。13岁的Chris是家中的长子。父亲为了养家糊口而身兼多职,严厉而聪慧的母亲决心让他受最好的教育。 在家里,Chris要承担起照顾兄弟姐妹的责任,在学业上要面临升初中的挑战。本剧曾荣获过第37届全国有色人种进步协会形象奖的杰出系列喜剧奖以及杰出女主角奖(Tichina Arnold )。
Motivated by his childhood experiences, Emmy Award-winner/actor/comedian Chris Rock, narrates this very hilarious & touching story of a teenager growing up as the oldest of three children in Brooklyn, New York during the early 1980s.
Uprooted to a neighborhood and bused into a primarily white middle school two hours aways by his strict, hard-working parents, Chris (played by Tyler James Williams) struggles to find his place, all while keeping his younger brother & sister in line at home and surmounting the tests of junior high school. This dependable, resilient teen brings a unique, comedic spin to his everyday trials & upsets in UPN’s new single-camera comedy, “Everybody Hates Chris.”
The year that Chris turned 13 was 1982. Filled with dreams that being a teenager would be really cool, Chris’ entry into adolescence is turning out to be less pleasant. Moved from the projects to the tough “Bed-Stuy” neighborhood of Brooklyn, Chris is still stuck in his big brother role. As the family’s “emergency adult,” he’s accountable for taking care of his younger brother Drew (played by Tequan Richmond), and his younger sister Tonya (played by Imani Hakim) while his parents are working; Drew, although younger, is taller and more confident than Chris, while Tonya is the baby of the family, who gets all of the attention from his parents.
Chris’ rough, cost-conscious father Julius (played by Terry Crews) works numerous jobs in order to properly support his family. Meanwhile, his very strict, sassy mother Rochelle (played by Tichina Arnold), who works part-time in a small real estate office, runs the household on a very tight budget, while demanding the best for her children.
With his mother strong-minded to see him in a good school, Chris reluctantly faces multiple bus transfers each day to attend Corleone Junior High School in the fiercely Italian neighborhood, South Shore. Although being an immediate target for bullies, Chris’ innate charm and sharp wit enable him to make new friends at school, such as Greg (played by Vincent Martella), another smart, nice kid…who can’t fight, by the way.
As Chris Rock pointedly looks back, his younger self is set to find what his family already knows: Chris’ sharp, scrappy character is going to take him places. But first, he’s going to have to think, talk or run his way through one growing experience after another at both home and school, and on any number of buses along the way.
“Everybody Hates Chris” is produced by 3 Art Entertainment and Paramount Studios.
Tyler James Williams 饰 Chris Rock

小演员Tyler是本剧的主演。Tyler在4岁时就登台,拍过很多广告。目前在电视剧《Law & Order: SVU》中出现。除了演戏,Tyler还喜欢打篮球,弹钢琴。小Tyler还喜欢吃空心粉和奶酪。
Tichina Arnold 饰 Rochelle Rock

Tichina Arnold幼年就曾在剧院里演出。她在剧中饰演Chris严厉而聪慧的母亲。除了《人人都恨克里斯》以外,Tichina还因在《Martin》中一角色获得有又一项全国有色人种进步协会形象奖。她曾出演过《Law & Order》《Big Momma’s House》等。另外,Tichina还热衷于公益事业。
Terry Crews 饰 Julius Rock

Terry Crews曾是职业足球队员。他在剧中饰演父亲。Terry曾出演过《最长的一码》《小姐好白》以及电视剧《CSI: Miami》等等。Terry毕业于音乐艺术学院,在西密西根大学就读时曾获得过奖学金。
Imani Hakim 饰 Tonya Rock

Imani Hakim 在剧中饰演才Chris的小妹妹。Imani Hakim 7岁时就显现出与生俱来的对表演的兴趣。她曾出演过《是谁偷走了耶稣宝宝》《灰姑娘》《The Hobbit》。除了演戏以外,Imani还喜欢音乐以及非洲文化。
Tequan Richmond 饰 Drew Rock

Tequan Richmond 在剧中出演比Chris的弟弟Drew。Drew虽然比Chris年龄小,但是个子高。Tequan曾在自传电影《雷》中出现过。另外,Tequan出演过多部有名的电视剧,例如《Cold Case》《急诊室的春天》《CSI: Crime Scene Investigation》等。Tequan还参加过许多时尚类节目。
Vincent Martella 饰 Greg

Vincent Martella 在剧中出演Chris最好的朋友。Vincent从3岁就开始学习舞蹈,5岁开始钢琴,他曾出演过《Cracking Up》等电视剧,以及在《Stacked》中客串过一个角色。此外他还为多部剧当配音。Vincent喜欢唱歌以及球类运动。他最喜欢的喜剧明星是金凯瑞。
Chris Rock

Chris Rock因统一集团网出品的《人人都恨克里斯》获得了艾美奖监制奖,共同创作奖 和叙述者奖。Chris Rock出生于南加利福尼亚,在布鲁克林长大Chris Rock本人不但是影视剧演员,而且还是喜剧明星,作家,制片人,脱口秀主持人和导演。Chris Rock从事演艺事业以来,获得过三次艾美奖和十五次提名,两次格莱美奖以及其他众多奖项。Chris Rock曾出演过《最长的一码》《乌龙元首》《不良公司》《扎扎实实》《教条》《护士贝蒂》《致命武器》《纽约黑街》《妙探出差3》等,他还曾为动画片《马达加斯加》以及电影《神医杜立德》配音,以及电视剧《Never Scared》(从不畏惧)《Bigger&Blacker》



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人人都恨克里斯 第三季 Everybody Hates Chris Season 3 [FRTVS小组出品]更新第21集 已补齐第15集 [RMVB] → http://www.books51.com/829465.html



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