FPGA 设计 Altera Quartus II v7.2 SP3 [Bin]
- 5 9 月, 2023
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中文名: FPGA 设计
英文名: Altera Quartus II v7.2 SP3
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2008年
制作发行: Altera
地区: 美国
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!
Quartus II 软件7.2的新功能
对于FPGA、CPLD以及结构化ASIC设计,Quartus® II 7.2是性能和效能首屈一指的设计软件。随着7.2版的进展,与高端65-nm竞争FPGA相比,Quartus II 软件和Stratix® III FPGA现在具有两个速率等级优势,而且编译时间快三倍。此外,7.2版还首次实现了FPGA供应商对64位Windows Vista的支持。
在7.2版,Quartus II 仍旧是由FPGA供应商提供的、唯一支持多处理器(例如,Intel的Core 2 Duo和AMD的Athlon 64 x2)的软件,充分利用了当今的双核和多核计算机。
Quartus II 软件7.2 SP2的新功能
●包括 SP1
●增加了对 Stratix®III EP3SL340F1760、 EP3SL340F1517、 EP3SL340H1152、 EP3SE110F1152 和 EP3SE80F1152 器件的编程支持
●增加了对 Cyclone® III EP3C16M164 、 EP3C10M164 和 EP3C5M164 器件的编程支持
Quartus II 软件7.2 SP1的新功能
●增加了对Cyclone® III EP3C16、EP3C40和EP3C80器件的编程支持。
●增加了对Cyclone II EP2C5A器件的编程支持。
●增加了对以下Cyclone III 器件的高级支持:EP3C5M164、EP3C10M164和EP3C16M164
●增加了对以下MAX® IIZ器件的高级支持:EPM240Z 和 EPM570Z
●增加了对MAX、MAX II、Cyclone和Cyclone II 器件的汽车级支持
SOPC Builder的Windows Vista 32和64位支持,以及Nios® II 嵌入式设计包(EDS)的32位支持。
Quartus II 软件7.2精确地定位于提高性能和效能,使高端FPGA具有无与伦比的性能,在编译时间上继续保持业界领先。7.2版中的新增特性进一步优化了布局布线算法,和7.1版相比,将Stratix III FPGA的性能优势由一个速率等级提高到两个速率等级。此外,7.2版比前一版本对更多的Quartus II算法进行并行处理,和单处理器计算机相比,编译时间缩短了近30%。
FPGA供应商率先提供64位Windows Vista支持
Quartus II 软件继续提供多种操作系统(OS)支持,以满足您对设计环境的要求。在Quartus II 6.1版中,Altera首次实现了对64位Windows的支持,包括Windows Professional XP x64。对64位Windows Vista的支持进一步拓展了Altera的64位Window OS支持。对64位Windows Vista的支持使您能够利用几乎无限的计算机存储器资源,以满足高密度设计的需要。
●实时I/O检查特性—— 加入实时引出验证,更迅速地对引脚布局和分配进行验证。
●扩展SOPC Builder—— 新的适配器自动插入功能帮助您更迅速简单地完成Avalon® 流设计。而且,修复组件编辑器提供更快的GUI,帮助您加入定制组件,并支持Avalon流。
●新的状态机图形输入—— 新的图形状态机设计输入工具,加速您的设计输入。
●增强SignalTap® II—— 根据事件顺序,改进触发条件设置来采集数据,更迅速地进行芯片调试。此外,Signal Tap II 提供增强分段采集功能,更好地使用存储器缓冲,简化了硬件验证。
●TimeQuest时序分析器—— 新的“时钟作为数据”特性,设计人员可以利用它来分析时钟信号被用作数据时的时序,这一特性是大部分时序分析工具所不具有的。TimeQuest新的波形查看器使您能够查看时序关系,加速实现时序逼近。
●更简单的Linux下载—— 为Linux操作系统Quartus II 订购版提供统一的下载和安装方法,以便更迅速进行软件更新。
●在线购买软件—— 现在可以从Altera的eStore购买性能和效能首屈一指的设计软件。
●Quartus II 成为绿色软件——从7.2版开始,Altera不再向客户自动发售物理软件更新盒。可以通过www.altera.com下载软件。绿色Quartus II 软件能够节省成千上万的树木,大大降低了环境污染。
●Stratix III FPGA —— 为Stratix III EP3SL150器件首次提供编程器目标文件(.pof)支持。
●Cyclone® III FPGA —— 为Cyclone III EP3C10和EP3C55器件增加.pof。为Cyclone III FPGA增加工业订购码。
●免费的Quartus II 软件在线培训——充分利用这一在线培训系列课程,学习Quartus II 软件功能。课程主题包括Quartus II 软件简介、功耗分析、命令行操作和工具命令语言(Tcl)脚本、时序分析等。
●有一定深度的、由教师指导的培训——三门新的Quartus II 软件课程适合从初学者到Quartus II 软件高级用户。每一课程都结合了实验操作,您可以现场向教师提出问题:
Quartus II 软件设计系列 —— 基础
Quartus II 软件设计系列 —— 验证
Quartus II 软件设计系列 —— 优化
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Quartus« II software version 7.2 is the #1 design software in performance
and productivity for FPGA, CPLD, and structured ASIC designs. With the
advances in version 7.2, Quartus II software and Stratix« III FPGAs now
offer a 2 speed-grade advantage and 3x faster compile times when compared
to competing high-end, 65-nm FPGAs. In addition, version 7.2 introduces the
first 64-bit Windows Vista support from an FPGA vendor.
In version 7.2, Quartus II software continues to be the only software from
an FPGA vendor to offer multiprocessor support (for example, IntelÆs Core
2 Duo and AMDÆs Athlon 64 x2) to take advantage of todayÆs dual-core and
quad-core computers.
Download New Quartus II v7.2 Software
2 Speed-Grade Advantage and 3x Faster Compile Times
With precision focus on improving performance and productivity, Quartus II
software version 7.2 delivers unparalleled performance for high-end FPGAs
and continues to lead the industry in compile times. New in version 7.2
are further optimized place-and-route algorithms extending Stratix III
FPGAÆs performance advantage from 1 speed grade to 2 speed grades compared
to version 7.1. In addition, by parallelizing more Quartus II algorithms
compared to the previous version, version 7.2 is able to improve compile
times by up-to 30 percent compared to single-processor computers.
First 64-bit Windows Vista Support from an FPGA Vendor
Quartus II software continues to offer the broadest operating system (OS)
support to meet the needs of your design environments. With Quartus II
version 6.1, Altera was the first to introduce 64-bit Windows support with
Windows Professional XP x64. 64-bit Windows Vista support expands AlteraÆs
64-bit Window OS support. The expanded 64-bit Windows Vista support allows
you to utilize nearly unlimited computer memory to meet the needs of
high-density designs.
Additional Enhancements
Live I/O Checking FeatureûAdd real-time pin-out validation for faster
verification of pin placement and assignments. Expanded SOPC BuilderûNew
automatic insertion of adapters make finishing your Avalon« streaming
designs quicker and easier. Also, the revamped component editor includes
a faster GUI for adding your custom components and support for Avalon
streaming. New State Machine Diagram EntryûA new graphical state machine
design-entry tool to accelerate your design entry. SignalTap« II
EnhancementsûImproved trigger condition settings to capture data based
on a sequential set of events and allow for faster chip debug. In
addition, SignalTap II offers enhanced segmented acquisition for better
use of the memory buffer and easier hardware verification.
TimeQuest Timing AnalyzerûNew clock-as-data feature lets you analyze timing
when clock signals are used as data, a feature not available in most
timing analysis tools. TimeQuestÆs new waveform viewer also enables you
to visualize timing relationships for faster timing closure.
Simplified Linux DownloadûA new unified download and installation for
Quartus II Subscription Edition on the Linux operating system supports
faster software upgrades.
Buy Software OnlineûThe #1 design software in performance and productivity
is now available for purchase on AlteraÆs eStore.
Quartus II Software Goes GreenûStarting with version 7.2, Altera will no
longer automatically ship physical software upgrade boxes to customers.
The software is available to download via http://www.altera.com. The shift to
greener delivery of Quartus II software is expected to save thousands
of trees and significantly reduce the carbon footprint.
Device Support
Stratix III FPGAsûAdds first Programmer Object File (.pof) support for
Stratix III EP3SL150 device. Cyclone« III FPGAsûAdds .pof for Cyclone
III EP3C10 and EP3C55 devices. Adds industrial ordering codes for Cyclone
III FPGAs. Free Online Training Series
Free Quartus II Software Online TrainingùTake advantage of this series
of online training sessions that teach you about the latest Quartus II
software features. Topics include an introduction to the Quartus II
software, power analysis, command-line operation and Tcl scripting,
timing analysis, and more.
Visit the Quartus II Web Edition Software Feature Comparison for a
detailed comparison between the Quartus II Subscription Edition
software and the Quartus II Web Edition software.
more info under http://www.altera.com/
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1.) unpack the files
2.) burn or mount the image
3.) install
4.) Check SHooters Dir Readme.txt
If you cant get it – you are not worth it…
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no .de or .us to contact write too SHOOTERS@HUSH.COM
Greetings to : Oddity,Paradox,ENiGMA,ViRiLiTY all we have forgot !!
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▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░ SHOOTERS@HUSH.COM █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █████████████████████▌▀ ▄▄███▄ ▀▀█
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Altera Quartus II v7.2 Modelsim v6.1g SP3
Model Technology 公司的 ModelSim-Altera 软件
Mentor Graphics® ModelSim®-Altera® 软件有两种版本:
ModelSim-Altera 版(Quartus® II 订购版软件使用)
ModelSim-Altera 网络版(Quartus II 网络版软件使用)
ModelSim-Altera 工具支持 Altera 所有器件的行为仿真和 VHDL 或者 Verilog 测试台文件。
Altera 软件订购版提供 ModelSim-Altera 版软件,可以对 PC、Solaris、HP-UX 以及 Linux 平台进行许可,支持 VHDL 或者 Verilog 硬件描述语言(HDL)仿真。
Quartus II 网络版可免费使用 ModelSim-Altera 网络版软件,只能对 PC 平台进行许可,支持 VHDL 或者 Verilog HDL 仿真。
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Quartus« II software version 7.2 is the #1 design software in performance
and productivity for FPGA, CPLD, and structured ASIC designs. With the
advances in version 7.2, Quartus II software and Stratix« III FPGAs now
offer a 2 speed-grade advantage and 3x faster compile times when compared
to competing high-end, 65-nm FPGAs. In addition, version 7.2 introduces the
first 64-bit Windows Vista support from an FPGA vendor.
In version 7.2, Quartus II software continues to be the only software from
an FPGA vendor to offer multiprocessor support (for example, IntelÆs Core
2 Duo and AMDÆs Athlon 64 x2) to take advantage of todayÆs dual-core and
quad-core computers.
Download New Quartus II v7.2 Software
2 Speed-Grade Advantage and 3x Faster Compile Times
With precision focus on improving performance and productivity, Quartus II
software version 7.2 delivers unparalleled performance for high-end FPGAs
and continues to lead the industry in compile times. New in version 7.2
are further optimized place-and-route algorithms extending Stratix III
FPGAÆs performance advantage from 1 speed grade to 2 speed grades compared
to version 7.1. In addition, by parallelizing more Quartus II algorithms
compared to the previous version, version 7.2 is able to improve compile
times by up-to 30 percent compared to single-processor computers.
First 64-bit Windows Vista Support from an FPGA Vendor
Quartus II software continues to offer the broadest operating system (OS)
support to meet the needs of your design environments. With Quartus II
version 6.1, Altera was the first to introduce 64-bit Windows support with
Windows Professional XP x64. 64-bit Windows Vista support expands AlteraÆs
64-bit Window OS support. The expanded 64-bit Windows Vista support allows
you to utilize nearly unlimited computer memory to meet the needs of
high-density designs.
Additional Enhancements
Live I/O Checking FeatureûAdd real-time pin-out validation for faster
verification of pin placement and assignments. Expanded SOPC BuilderûNew
automatic insertion of adapters make finishing your Avalon« streaming
designs quicker and easier. Also, the revamped component editor includes
a faster GUI for adding your custom components and support for Avalon
streaming. New State Machine Diagram EntryûA new graphical state machine
design-entry tool to accelerate your design entry. SignalTap« II
EnhancementsûImproved trigger condition settings to capture data based
on a sequential set of events and allow for faster chip debug. In
addition, SignalTap II offers enhanced segmented acquisition for better
use of the memory buffer and easier hardware verification.
TimeQuest Timing AnalyzerûNew clock-as-data feature lets you analyze timing
when clock signals are used as data, a feature not available in most
timing analysis tools. TimeQuestÆs new waveform viewer also enables you
to visualize timing relationships for faster timing closure.
Simplified Linux DownloadûA new unified download and installation for
Quartus II Subscription Edition on the Linux operating system supports
faster software upgrades.
Buy Software OnlineûThe #1 design software in performance and productivity
is now available for purchase on AlteraÆs eStore.
Quartus II Software Goes GreenûStarting with version 7.2, Altera will no
longer automatically ship physical software upgrade boxes to customers.
The software is available to download via http://www.altera.com. The shift to
greener delivery of Quartus II software is expected to save thousands
of trees and significantly reduce the carbon footprint.
Device Support
Stratix III FPGAsûAdds first Programmer Object File (.pof) support for
Stratix III EP3SL150 device. Cyclone« III FPGAsûAdds .pof for Cyclone
III EP3C10 and EP3C55 devices. Adds industrial ordering codes for Cyclone
III FPGAs. Free Online Training Series
Free Quartus II Software Online TrainingùTake advantage of this series
of online training sessions that teach you about the latest Quartus II
software features. Topics include an introduction to the Quartus II
software, power analysis, command-line operation and Tcl scripting,
timing analysis, and more.
Visit the Quartus II Web Edition Software Feature Comparison for a
detailed comparison between the Quartus II Subscription Edition
software and the Quartus II Web Edition software.
more info under http://www.altera.com/
█▀▀▀▀▀▀█ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
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1.) unpack the files
2.) burn or mount the image
3.) install
4.) Check SHooters Dir Readme.txt
If you cant get it – you are not worth it…
1. You work at any reseller, distributor or software company and have access
to new unreleased software
2. You are a talented cracker and able to handle: Dongle, FlexLM, Armadillo,
Asprotect, HASP oR Wibu
3. You are a keygenner and able to handle MD5, RSA, TEA or VB
4. You have a good at Secure Shell/BNC or was Siteop from a good .EU Site
no .de or .us to contact write too SHOOTERS@HUSH.COM
Greetings to : Oddity,Paradox,ENiGMA,ViRiLiTY all we have forgot !!
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Altera QUARTUS II Megacore IP Library v7.2 SP3
Altera 公司提供的知识产权 (IP) 内核,其中包括 Nios® II 嵌入式处理器,包含在 Quartus ® II 的单一megacore ® IP库软件包内。
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Quartus« II software version 7.2 is the #1 design software in performance
and productivity for FPGA, CPLD, and structured ASIC designs. With the
advances in version 7.2, Quartus II software and Stratix« III FPGAs now
offer a 2 speed-grade advantage and 3x faster compile times when compared
to competing high-end, 65-nm FPGAs. In addition, version 7.2 introduces the
first 64-bit Windows Vista support from an FPGA vendor.
In version 7.2, Quartus II software continues to be the only software from
an FPGA vendor to offer multiprocessor support (for example, IntelÆs Core
2 Duo and AMDÆs Athlon 64 x2) to take advantage of todayÆs dual-core and
quad-core computers.
Download New Quartus II v7.2 Software
2 Speed-Grade Advantage and 3x Faster Compile Times
With precision focus on improving performance and productivity, Quartus II
software version 7.2 delivers unparalleled performance for high-end FPGAs
and continues to lead the industry in compile times. New in version 7.2
are further optimized place-and-route algorithms extending Stratix III
FPGAÆs performance advantage from 1 speed grade to 2 speed grades compared
to version 7.1. In addition, by parallelizing more Quartus II algorithms
compared to the previous version, version 7.2 is able to improve compile
times by up-to 30 percent compared to single-processor computers.
First 64-bit Windows Vista Support from an FPGA Vendor
Quartus II software continues to offer the broadest operating system (OS)
support to meet the needs of your design environments. With Quartus II
version 6.1, Altera was the first to introduce 64-bit Windows support with
Windows Professional XP x64. 64-bit Windows Vista support expands AlteraÆs
64-bit Window OS support. The expanded 64-bit Windows Vista support allows
you to utilize nearly unlimited computer memory to meet the needs of
high-density designs.
Additional Enhancements
Live I/O Checking FeatureûAdd real-time pin-out validation for faster
verification of pin placement and assignments. Expanded SOPC BuilderûNew
automatic insertion of adapters make finishing your Avalon« streaming
designs quicker and easier. Also, the revamped component editor includes
a faster GUI for adding your custom components and support for Avalon
streaming. New State Machine Diagram EntryûA new graphical state machine
design-entry tool to accelerate your design entry. SignalTap« II
EnhancementsûImproved trigger condition settings to capture data based
on a sequential set of events and allow for faster chip debug. In
addition, SignalTap II offers enhanced segmented acquisition for better
use of the memory buffer and easier hardware verification.
TimeQuest Timing AnalyzerûNew clock-as-data feature lets you analyze timing
when clock signals are used as data, a feature not available in most
timing analysis tools. TimeQuestÆs new waveform viewer also enables you
to visualize timing relationships for faster timing closure.
Simplified Linux DownloadûA new unified download and installation for
Quartus II Subscription Edition on the Linux operating system supports
faster software upgrades.
Buy Software OnlineûThe #1 design software in performance and productivity
is now available for purchase on AlteraÆs eStore.
Quartus II Software Goes GreenûStarting with version 7.2, Altera will no
longer automatically ship physical software upgrade boxes to customers.
The software is available to download via http://www.altera.com. The shift to
greener delivery of Quartus II software is expected to save thousands
of trees and significantly reduce the carbon footprint.
Device Support
Stratix III FPGAsûAdds first Programmer Object File (.pof) support for
Stratix III EP3SL150 device. Cyclone« III FPGAsûAdds .pof for Cyclone
III EP3C10 and EP3C55 devices. Adds industrial ordering codes for Cyclone
III FPGAs. Free Online Training Series
Free Quartus II Software Online TrainingùTake advantage of this series
of online training sessions that teach you about the latest Quartus II
software features. Topics include an introduction to the Quartus II
software, power analysis, command-line operation and Tcl scripting,
timing analysis, and more.
Visit the Quartus II Web Edition Software Feature Comparison for a
detailed comparison between the Quartus II Subscription Edition
software and the Quartus II Web Edition software.
more info under http://www.altera.com/
█▀▀▀▀▀▀█ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
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1.) unpack the files
2.) burn or mount the image
3.) install
4.) Check SHooters Dir Readme.txt
If you cant get it – you are not worth it…
1. You work at any reseller, distributor or software company and have access
to new unreleased software
2. You are a talented cracker and able to handle: Dongle, FlexLM, Armadillo,
Asprotect, HASP oR Wibu
3. You are a keygenner and able to handle MD5, RSA, TEA or VB
4. You have a good at Secure Shell/BNC or was Siteop from a good .EU Site
no .de or .us to contact write too SHOOTERS@HUSH.COM
Greetings to : Oddity,Paradox,ENiGMA,ViRiLiTY all we have forgot !!
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本文链接: http://www.books51.com/828310.html
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FPGA 设计 Altera Quartus II v7.2 SP3 [Bin] → http://www.books51.com/828310.html |
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