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专辑中文名: Bird Without Wings
歌手: Diary Of Dreams
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 1997年
地区: 德国
语言: 英语
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新一期的歌特时代,第一篇便是介绍这个德国的暗潮乐队,其实说乐队不如说是Adrian Hates自己的个人组合,他以前在乐队garden of delight,中是个吉他手,但是现在,他做了自己以前从未做过的事情,变成了一个合成器演奏家,一个歌者。
Adrian Hates9岁开始学习古典吉他,15岁留学美国,在留学的时间开始接触钢琴,然后为之着迷,所以对于他的音乐功底,我们是不能怀疑的:)这首Flood of Tears(泪如泉涌)选自他的经典专集《bird without wings》,这是专集的最后一首歌,出跳的低调民谣,感伤的歌词,那些无可奈何的失落,被抛弃的绝望,一下子就把我击倒了,这首歌绝对是适合这个夏天听的歌,异常炎热才能显出他的悲凉!~!
Diary of Dreams–Flood of Tears
Mother see, that all my life
I planted flowers to survive
And as they faded I stopped to speak
I painted flowers
and nobody knows why …
No awakening, no lullaby
I only felt the need to try
To have the guts or the stupidity
To grab for stars, that I can’t reach at all
Father see, that I have tried
To find that angel deep inside
That you once promised I would meet
And once again I ended in defeat
Even here I could feel your eyes
Heard your whispers and felt your lies
Brother said: ‘Come back to life’
I asked some friends
and nobody knew why …
Nobody had ever seen
my flood of tears
I can’t believe you found me here
It took some time to find these words
I wrote them down in hope that they might help
Watch me walk barefoot on glass
Insecure as only a newborn child can be
Others came to laugh at me
They pointed fingers as I could see
Believe me saying it’s not the skin
It’s the stranger living deep inside
I painted flowers to survive
And as they faded I stopped to paint
I fell asleep
and nobody knows why ..
Father see, that I have tried
To build a world with only me inside
Millions of flowers surround my bed
Now I still grab for stars and I can reach them all
Words & Music: Adrian Hates
01 – stimmulation
02 – bird without wings ii
03 – dissolution
04 – june
05 – aphelion
06 – but the wind was stronger
07 – a sinner’s instinct
08 – ex-ile
09 – legends
10 – flood of tears



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