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中文名: BBC 史前怪物
英文名: BBC Monsters We Met
别名: Land of Lost Monsters
资源格式: DVDRip
版本: DVM
发行时间: 2003年
主持人: Andy Byatt
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
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◆ 中 文 名:BBC 史前怪物
◆ 原 片 名:BBC Monsters We Met
◆ 出品公司:BBC
◆ 国  家:UK
◆ 类  别:专题
◆ 影片长度:2 x 40 Mins
◆ 对白语言:英语
◆ 字幕语言:无
◆ 文件格式:Xivd
◆ 文件大小:2CD x 700MB
◆ 视频尺寸:640 x 480
◆ BBC 链接:http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/programmes/tv/monsterswemet/
◆ IMDB链接:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0442878/
大约十万年前,我们的祖先离开了他们的家园 —— 非洲,开始了他们伟大的旅程,这次旅程结束于男性统治地球时期。在他们的这次旅程中,他们将和极似怪物的动物直接面对面,登上危险的大陆,这将是对他们的生存能力的一次极点的考验!
1: 北美洲- 13,000 年前
2: 澳洲- 65,000 年前
3: 新西兰- 850 年前
While the world was still in the grip of the last ice age, humans first crossed Siberia and entered the New World. They encountered creatures familiar to them from their travels, such as the woolly mammoth and the steppe bison, but also a whole host of new marvels. The Americas was the only continent where humans ever came face to face with sabre-toothed cats, giant ground sloths or the massive short-faced bears. As the climate warmed and the ice melted, all these megafaunal marvels vanished. What or who was responsible for their demise?
Humans travelled out of Africa and reached South-east Asia perhaps as early as 90,000 years ago. Then around 65,000-68,000 years ago a momentous event happened – someone discovered Australia. The ancestors of the Aborigines made a daring sea voyage and set foot on a new and lonely land.
Ancient Australia was a land of drought and fire, with a unique fauna dominated by marsupials, reptiles and giant flightless birds. The first Australians shared their home with the two-tonne Diprotodon, the giant short-faced kangaroo and the platypus. Emus and cassowaries were dwarfed by the ‘demon duck’ Genyornis. Predators like the marsupial lion and the giant ripper lizard, Megalania, stalked the land.
New Zealand was the last major land mass to be discovered and colonised by humans. A mere 850 years ago, Polynesian seafarers arrived in a land with no terrestrial mammals. New Zealand was a land of birds, and its avian rulers were giants: huge herbivorous moas were hunted by Haast’s eagle – the largest eagle the world has ever seen. But within the space of only 100-400 years, the eagle, all the moas and over 20 other species of birds were gone. Had mankind become the monster?



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