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专辑英文名: Bachelor No. 2
专辑中文名: Bachelor No. 2
歌手: Aimee Mann
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2000年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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专辑介绍 :
99年有部叫Magnolia的电影不知道大家还记得否(Tom Cruise主演),当然我要说的是那部电影留给人很深刻印象的音乐:一首叫Save Me的歌被金像奖提名,让一个名不见经传的女歌手Aimee Mann家喻户晓。
而实际上从80年代的新浪潮乐队Til Tuesday,Aimee的音乐生涯就开始了,这个乐队一共发行三张专辑,之后Aimee解散了乐队,独立发行唱片。
1993年,Aimee的专辑Whatever发行,这张专辑取得小面积的成功,之所以这样说,是因为她所受到的关注度仅限于短期内,而且专辑并不是大热大卖,虽然评论一直在赞扬这位女歌手的创作功底,但始终她没能被所有人关注。而且非常不幸的是当她即将发行她的第二张专辑时她当时所在的唱片公司Imago却突然食言,迟迟不肯帮她发片,于是她开始了与Imago长达2年的官司,最终她脱离这个公司,转向签约新厂牌,并先行发单曲That’s Just What You Are,单曲取得相当大的成功,还被收录进Melrose Place的原声。她的第二张唱片I’m With Stupid很快发行,很可惜情况并未因单曲的热门而改观多少,始终她的音乐叫好不叫座。
当然,之后的Bachelor No.2情况完全不同,相信Aimee是苦尽甘来,这张专辑在Save Me(无耻一下,当年听到这歌就看好这个歌手,虽然人家在美国早都被看好了,不过咱这资讯不行,也不能怪我,嘿嘿)这首歌热门后一年发行,被认为是她迄今为止最好的作品,我还很喜欢Deathly,Red Vine这两首歌。
2002年她发行Lost In Space,今年又带着The Forgotten Arm回来,虽然当年听不到Lost那张,却也看评论说没有Bachelor No.2的水平,难道人真的只有在没成名前才能努力或者说才有创作的灵感吗?虽然Aimee的风格依旧是带着点民谣味道的流行摇滚,但听着似乎没有以前那么有感觉了,怀念一下听Deathly,Red Vine和Save Me这些歌时候的Aimee,并且希望她以后的专辑能比Bachelor No.2更好。
Bachelor No. 2 is the product of a woman whose 40th birthday looms months ahead, and it illustrates how a little seasoning has paid off creatively for Aimee Mann. Always an incisive lyricist, the eloquent singer-songwriter further hones her wordplay to a razor-sharp edge. Her subjects are so adroitly sliced and diced that little blood is shed, though they’re permanently cut down to size. “Calling It Quits” targets some cad who is “numbering himself among the masterminds ’cause he’s hit upon the leverage of valentines.” Not that Mann spares herself from a steely assessment: “I know I had it coming / From a Caesar who was only slumming” she admits in “The Fall of the World’s Own Optimist.” Though this 13-track collection borrows three songs from its immediate predecessor, Mann’s soundtrack to Magnolia, its musical ingenuity and consistency (notable considering five different production teams are credited here) make the scattered redundancies irrelevant. Mann’s artistic growth has been evident with each new release, and Bachelor marks her biggest leap forward to date. –Steven Stolder
1. How Am I Different
2. Nothing Is Good Enough
3. Red Vines
4. The Fall of the World’s Own Optimist
5. Satellite
6. Deathly
7. Ghost World
8. Calling It Quits
9. Driving Sideways
10. Just like Anyone
11. Susan
12. It Takes All Kinds
13. You Do



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