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中文名: Maya艺术电子书和光盘
英文名: The Art of Maya CD
版本: maya 5.0
发行日期: 2004年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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SIMPLYMAYA的雪人3个DVD,T-REX材质,GI建模The Art of Maya CD is a collection of movies, scene files, and support files (“the Materials”) designed to support The Art of Maya book.
Use of the Materials is subject to the following Terms and Conditions:
The Materials may be used for learning but cannot be redistributed or transferred in any way as clip art without the express prior written permission of Alias|Wavefront.
The materials and other information provided herein are provided as is. Alias|Wavefront makes no warranties, express, implied or arising by custom or trade usage, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, specifically disclaims any implied warranties of title, non infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose in connection with the materials and other information provided. In no event shall Alias|Wavefront be liable for any losses, special, indirect, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the materials and other information provided.
Alias|Wavefront shall not provide support on the use of the Materials.
Each file contained on The Art of Maya CD is subject to these Terms and Conditions. Alias|Wavefront has made every effort to provide accurate information with regard to each file, as “Undocumented and Unsupported” files. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Alias|Wavefront assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of any file. In addition, all features are not available in all Alias|Wavefront software products.
As the Materials are unsupported, Alias|Wavefront cannot guarantee that future editions of The Art of Maya will contain the same selection of Materials, nor can Alias|Wavefront guarantee that the Materials will be compatible with future versions of software.
If you find a bug in any of the Materials, please advise Alias|Wavefront at artofmaya@aw.sgi.com, however, Alias|Wavefront does not assume any obligation to act upon nor modify the Materials in response to any such report.
Although we expect the Materials will be of value to you, since they have come from sources outside of Alias|Wavefront’s control Alias|Wavefront cannot be held responsible for any difficulties or losses you may incur through use of the Materials.



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Maya艺术电子书和光盘 The Art of Maya CD maya 5.0 → http://www.books51.com/757895.html



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