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中文名: InDesign CS2 Beyond the Basics
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: CFE 教程
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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讲师:Brian Wood

InDesign CS2 Beyond the Basics探讨更为深入Adobe InDesign CS2的特性,的有关Adobe InDesign CS2的高级内容,包括处理长文档的工具。这个教程涵盖脚本功能来处理书,索引,TOC(目录),教你如何用自动工具如脚本,数据合并等。作者也与你分享他如何使用Snippets,库,对象样式等有效使用程序。这个教程面向中等InDesign CS2用户及哪些已经完成InDesign CS2基本训练教程的人。教程伴随有相应的视频,让你更方便的对教程进行学习。
InDesign CS2 Beyond the Basics delves into the more advanced features of Adobe InDesign CS2, including tools for working with long documents. The tutorial covers the program’s features for dealing with books, indexes, and tables of contents, and teaches you how to use the automation tools like Scripts and Data Merge. Brian Wood, a certified Adobe Creative Suite 2 Master, also shares tips and tricks for working more efficiently in the program by using Snippets, Libraries, Object Styles, and more. This video tutorial is recommended for intermediate-level InDesign CS2 users, and those who have completed the InDesign CS2 Essential Training or its equivalent. Exercise files accompany the training videos, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace.
1. Introduction
Welcome 0:17 1.1 MB
2. Grid and Guide Management
Quick and accurate guide placement 4:48 5.1 MB
Using the Create Guides command 3:58 4.2 MB
Working with document-based baseline grids 7:43 14.9 MB
Working with frame-based baseline grids 6:26 12.4 MB
Column guides 4:43 5.5 MB
Guide preferences 5:41 7.9 MB
3. Time Saving Features
Libraries 14:04 20 MB
Snippets 6:50 12.1 MB
Object styles 15:21 23.1 MB
Anchored objects 16:37 25.6 MB
Quick apply 9:17 18 MB
Templates 8:12 11.9 MB
Advanced preferences 8:02 11.5 MB
4. Master Pages
Based-on master pages 8:29 12.2 MB
Creating an initial single spread 9:28 14 MB
Working with master page objects 11:05 22.2 MB
Autoflow of text and master pages 8:52 11.7 MB
Changing margins and columns 7:45 10.6 MB
Section starts, prefixes and page numbering 13:06 25.1 MB
Creating a master page from a spread 8:10 10.9 MB
Sharing pages and masters between documents 9:13 16.1 MB
Printing master pages as comps 2:42 5 MB
5. Word and Excel Workflows
Importing Word docs into InDesign 9:16 12.2 MB
Importing Excel workbooks 7:49 13.4 MB
Placing charts and graphs 8:22 13.1 MB
A Word linking workflows 17:14 30.5 MB
6. Working with Type
Footnotes 16:08 32.4 MB
Data Merge intro 4:37 7.2 MB
Data Merge setup 14:50 22.3 MB
Merging data 10:04 14.7 MB
7. Working with Books
Book workflows 6:55 9 MB
Setting up a book 4:27 4.7 MB
Page numbering across book documents 11:54 16.6 MB
Synchronizing book documents 10:32 14.3 MB
Preflighting a book 5:30 7.5 MB
Packaging a book 9:05 11.1 MB
Printing an entire book 4:35 5.3 MB
Exporting a book to PDF 6:38 11.6 MB
Book extras 5:36 6.2 MB
8. Tables of Contents
Preparing for a TOC 3:09 4.6 MB
Building a TOC 12:58 18.4 MB
Editing a TOC 3:08 4.9 MB
Creating and saving a TOC style 7:15 11.5 MB
Creating a TOC for a book 8:08 10.7 MB
9. Indexing
Planning an index 4:38 7.1 MB
Creating an index 20:57 34.3 MB
Generating an index 7:58 10.7 MB
Updating an index 6:49 10.6 MB
Indexing and books 6:45 10.6 MB
10. Tables
Table shortcuts 10:30 19.5 MB
Table formatting 9:24 16.4 MB
11. Buttons
Hyperlinks 17:33 33.7 MB
Bookmarks 8:53 16.7 MB
Buttons 11:27 15.4 MB
Adding movies and sounds 12:53 18 MB
Creating a PDF 5:37 8.9 MB
Creating and sharing Adobe PDF presets 6:08 10.2 MB
12. Color Management
InDesign and Bridge 5:55 10.8 MB
Profile mismatches 5:11 7.1 MB
Color management and output to print 6:16 11.1 MB
Color management and output to PDF 4:34 7.7 MB
13. Exporting to the Web
Designing for use in GoLive 5:10 7.7 MB
Packaging for GoLive 15:16 22 MB
14. Intro to XML and InDesign
Why XML? 7:25 10.1 MB
Structuring InDesign content 14:29 20 MB
Exporting to XML 4:55 7.7 MB
Importing XML 16:12 23.1 MB
15. Automation
Using scripting to automate 12:25 19.8 MB
Advanced find/change 11:11 20 MB
16. Conclusion
Goodbye 0:16 1.1 MB

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