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中文名: Lynda.com Illustrator CS2 创造力特效技术教程
英文名: Lynda.com Illustrator CS2 Creative Techniques
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: CFE 教程
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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讲师:Ted LoCascio
在 Illustrator CS2 Creative Techniques中, Ted LoCascio 分享了制作富有想象力与创造力的特效和项目的技巧和技术,诸如文本特效,在 illustrations中加入 depth 和纹理,创建按钮和专业的柱形图表,此教程特色之一在于其揭示了 制作难度较高的projects的策略。此教程长达9个小时。
1. Introduction
Welcome 0:54 1 MB
Project files and workspace 3:39 4.8 MB
2. Creative Text Techniques
Glows and shadows 14:22 22.8 MB
Text that follows the contour of a sphere 9:39 13.5 MB
Skewed text on a path 12:05 15.3 MB
Text in text 9:56 18.4 MB
Fading text 10:57 19.7 MB
Brushed text 11:48 16 MB
Warped comic book text 8:44 11.9 MB
Subtracting shapes from text 6:07 9.3 MB
Grunge text 6:45 10.5 MB
Beveled text 10:28 16.7 MB
Reflective type shadow 8:38 11.2 MB
Placing a photo inside text 12:58 20 MB
3. Creative Shape Techniques
Simple realism 23:27 29.9 MB
Opacity mask highlights and shadows 20:10 26.9 MB
Simple gel buttons 9:51 12.6 MB
Interlocking objects 3:01 4.2 MB
Polar grid dartboard 12:10 19.5 MB
Creating depth with an embossed style 13:45 17.8 MB
Drawing flowers 8:43 12.9 MB
4. Illustration Techniques
Creating a sketch effect 23:08 32.3 MB
Creating a watercolor painting effect 22:59 36.8 MB
Creating a scratchboard effect 21:16 35.1 MB
Symbol Sprayer techniques 15:25 20.1 MB
Masking brushwork 11:16 15.4 MB
Hand tracing placed images 16:06 28.5 MB
Creating vector art using Live Trace and Paint 19:52 33.4 MB
5. Transparency & Blending
Transparent bubbles 16:05 21.6 MB
Bottle illustration 16:02 26.9 MB
Water drops 13:24 20.8 MB
Glass and chrome reflections 16:39 19.9 MB
Smoke 18:07 30.9 MB
6. 3D Techniques
Extrusion: From curve to bell 11:04 18.2 MB
Spiral type 12:27 20.4 MB
Beach ball 13:22 19.2 MB
Mocking up a product and label 20:35 27.6 MB
7. Other Advanced User Techniques
Dynamic bar charts 12:00 16.4 MB
Creating a page or cover design template 15:48 21.3 MB
Using Illustrator for page or cover design 13:45 22.1 MB
Creating your own Layer Comps 4:45 7.6 MB
8. Conclusion
Goodbye 0:24 0.5 MB

共享时间:10:00 AM – 22:00 PM



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Lynda.com Illustrator CS2 创造力特效技术教程 Lynda.com Illustrator CS2 Creative Techniques CFE 教程[Bin] → http://www.books51.com/739750.html



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