Björk -Drawing Restraint 9[APE]
- 6 1 月, 2023
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专辑中文名: Drawing Restraint 9
歌手: Björk
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 2005年08月23日
语言: 英语
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唱片公司:One little Indian US
比约克(Bjork)2005年没出个人专辑,倒是参演了由她丈夫、实验电影导演、前卫艺术家马修·巴尼(Matthew Barney)执导的影片《Drawing Restraint 9》,并为其制作了一张原声。这个以非主流音乐起家最终却成为超越众多主流偶像、登上奥运会舞台的符号式人物,在个人专辑创作中难免要受潜在的、庞大的听众群限制,要保持姿态,还要吸引众人。如此下来,音乐做得一张不如一张,太多曾经追捧过她的人如今对她那些新专辑们无动于衷。
在乐器上,竖琴、管风琴、键盘、大键琴、钟、号、钢琴、打击乐器被大量使用,一些来自民间不知名的铜制、木制乐器也占了较大比重。由此制作出悦耳却孤立的音符,经过对乐器的精心搭配和对器乐的把握,和谐连贯地成了章节,且不失随意之感。这简直是冰岛乐人的拿手好戏,他们总能在旋律与实验性之间找到属于冰岛的位置。《Gratitude》和《Ambergris March》是专辑中最旋律化的歌曲,弦乐极尽动听之势,梦幻清脆的叮叮咚咚;《Hunter Vessel》则最为“枯燥”,单调反复,以氛围为重。影片拍摄于日本、讲述的也是日本的事物文化,原声中亦融进了很多日本音乐。且不说音乐中独特的诡异和神秘感觉,光是乐器很多就采自彼国民间。
人声也是一大聚焦点。比约克在整张专辑中只唱了《Bath》和《Storm》两首,没有歌词,她的人声完全成为对音色和唱腔的一场挑战,并以此来取代一部分器乐,这张唱片也因此被人称为“声乐式唱片”。专辑中的《Pearl》和《Holographic Entrypoint》也是两个极端,前者的人声完全取自一个孩子的喉音,被称为“Throat Singing”,由喉咙发出的各种各样的声响,奇异度不亚于蒙古呼麦;后者则是个中年男人,醉酒般絮絮叨叨地似说似唱着一大堆日文。这样的音乐,也只有在马修·巴尼的电影中能出现。由另类乡村唱作者Will Oldham演唱的《Gratitude》配以上述器乐、再加上童声合唱圣歌,成为专辑中难得的一首有歌词有旋律并且动听的曲目。 —转自
When Björk became romantically involved with art-world darling Matthew Barney, the universe seemed to be uniting two of the most idiosyncratic artistic temperaments of the 21st century. The first major artistic product of this union, Drawing Restraint 9, music composed by Björk for Barney’s film of the same name, finds their sensibilities eerily complementary. Barney’s previous films, the megaton, five-part Cremaster Cycle, astounded audiences with a personal mythology inspired by the biological process of prenatal sexual differentiation, touching themes as unsettlingly diverse as speed metal, auto racing, Freemasonry, and Harry Houdini. Barney, a former model and football player, has always been interested in expressions of physical strain and release. This coincides quite nicely with the work Björk has produced lately, namely her album Medúlla, which was composed entirely of human voices–singing, coughing, grunting, and beatboxing. The intersection of these two artistic geniuses comes at precisely the right time, when Björk has cast off the last vestiges of her dance-floor self. To understand how remarkable a transformation this is, one might try to imagine what it would have been like if Donna Summers had turned into Yoko Ono.
There are instances of Björk’s vocal soundscapes on this album, in the unsettling “Pearl” and the rainy and overdubbed opening of “Storm.” Other tracks, filled to overflowing with bells and chimes, recall her most beautiful work on Vespertine. It used to be that Björk could chill the spine with a howl. Now she does it with a whisper, and these soft and haunting moments are what reward repeat listenings. With the music she produced for the soundtrack to Dancer in the Dark, Björk followed a more or less traditional narrative thread, stringing the songs together in such a way that one could follow a story even without having seen the movie. It’s not quite that simple with Drawing Restraint 9. Without seeing the film, the music suggests a fascination with oceans, Japanese ritual, and the hidden powers of nature. It’s spellbinding and confusing music, hinting at greater art to come from two artists of intense creativity and passion. –Ryan Boudinot —转自
1. Gratitude
2. Pearl
3. Ambergris March
4. Bath
5. Hunter Vessel
6. Shimenawa
7. Vessel Shimenawa
8. Storm
9. Holographic Entrypoint
10. Cetacea
11. Antarctic Return
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