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中文名: Hacking MySpace 使用模组化和自定义的方式创建你的站台
英文名: Hacking MySpace: Mods and Customizations to make MySpace Your Space
发行日期: 2006年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!


由 John Pospisil 撰写的电子书《Hacking MySpace:使用模组化和自定义的方式创建你的站台》
教你如何嵌入图片, 创建动画, 自定义背景, 使用定制的图标, 改变资料的字体模式
增加留言框以及其他与My space 相关的有趣的技术. 请各位自己看下面的介绍, 懒的翻译了 = =
BTW 该书是Extreme Tech 出版的 其他相关的书在 http://board.VeryCD.com/t318774.html 有发布过
There are over 90 million profiles on MySpace. How do you make yours
stand out? You use these programming tricks and techniques to tweak the
look, feel, and content of your profile. You get the inside scoop on hot
design and photography. You maximize the effects of HTML and CSS. And,
if you happen to be a musician, you check out Chapter 30 to see how
MySpace can launch your career. It’s all in here. What are you waiting
Complete code and instructions for these and more MySpace hacks:
– Embedding graphics
– Creating animated images
– Developing your own background
– Building custom cursors
– Changing profile text styles
– Getting kinky with links
– Adding a comments box
– Altering your contact table
– Redesigning the navigation bar
– Making DIV overlays
版本: Personal Pro 5.0.227
病毒库:2006-10-21 4:37:45
共享条件:ADSL 1M
共享时间:9:00 AM– 22:00 PM
共享服务器:一般在DonkeyServer No1-2
[通过安装测试]WindowsXP SP2



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Hacking MySpace 使用模组化和自定义的方式创建你的站台 Hacking MySpace: Mods and Customizations to make MySpace Your Space → http://www.books51.com/729130.html



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