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专辑中文名: T.V. Sky
歌手: The Young Gods
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 1992年
地区: 瑞士
语言: 英语
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The Young Gods和Pitchshifter、Godflesh等乐队一起,是大量使用技术对金属乐结构进行扭曲改造的最早的一批乐队。他们早在90年代早期就以面对社会的勇敢精神,让人想起英国朋克和美国硬核的早期岁月。
乐队融合了NIN式的神经元素和Das Ich的黑暗哥特氛围,同科技舞曲混杂,创出一种独特的工业金属模式。
Back in 1985, it took some nerve to form a trio around a sampler. The Young Gods were never afraid of anything. By creating a novel musical grammar that owes to rock, industrial, classical, baroque, ambient and electronic music, the Swiss band formed by Franz Treichler is still impressively pertinent and consistent twenty two years on.
Super Ready / Fragmenté, their dazzling new album, allies power and subtlety in an unprecedented manner, confirming that the Young Gods are more than ever in tune with their times.
Adventurers, pioneers and mad scientists, the Young Gods are still an essential reference in today’s music. Mike Patton, The Chemical Brothers, Maynard James Keenan (Tool) or The Edge (U2), all claim the heritage of the young Helvetian gods.
But don’t tell Franz Treichler, Al Comet or Bernard Trontin. the Young Gods consider that humility and creativiy go together.
The Young Gods constantly reinvent music, whether by revolutionizing samplers in their first albums (The Young Gods and Red Water/l’Eau Rouge), transcending Kurt Weill (Play Kurt Weill), signing their telluric masterpiece (TV Sky), moving away from guitars (Only Heaven), plunging into nineties electronica (Second Nature), ambient in the vein of labels such as Warp (Heaven Deconstruction), or releasing an album influenced by Brian Eno’s generative music (Music for Artificial Clouds). They avoid routine, bounce back, start new challenges and projects, feed their souls and continue the exploration of new territories.
01. Our House 2′ 50”
02. Gasoline Man 4′ 20”
03. T.V. Sky 3′ 47”
04. Skinflowers 5′ 08”
05. Dame Chance 5′ 01”
06. The Night dance 4′ 17”
07. She Rains 2′ 49”
08. Summer Eyes 19′ 54”



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