Therion -Gothic Kabbalah[MP3!]
- 2 1 月, 2023
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专辑中文名: Gothic Kabbalah
歌手: Therion
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 德国,瑞典
语言: 英语
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Gothic Kabbalah带给听者的依旧是听觉与精神的大餐,更重要的是,从新专辑中可以看到Therion的不断探索与创新的勇气与理念。20年来,金属之路多少衰败多少消亡,Therion依旧是一支坚忍咆哮的圣兽,坚守在属于自己的天际。
Therion的历史要从灵魂人物贝司手Christofer Johnsson说起,1987年,他和吉他手Peter Hansson和鼓手 Oskar Forss三人组成了名为Blitzkrieg的乐队,他们当时玩的也是一种速度激流金属,几个月后乐队重组,灵魂人物Christofer Johnsson改弹吉他,他们开始玩当时北欧不太流行的死亡金属。1989年乐队发行了两张DEMO专辑,这为Therion带来一纸英国Peacevill Records旗下之厂牌Deaf Records的 唱片合约,首张名为的正式专辑于1991年发行,反应非常的好,甚至让Therion成为当时瑞典最红的Death metal乐队。
1991年下半年,Therion转投另一家同为英国厂牌的Active Records。1991年的12月,乐团录制完成了第二张的专辑,并於隔年发行,而这张专辑相较於上一张而言可说有相当的进步,一些新元素如键盘及女音vocal的加入,对於当时的一个Death metal团来说可谓是极少见的,而这样的改变除了一些传统的Death metal迷一时较难以接受外,金属界普遍而言都对这种新方向抱以非常肯定支持的态度,这也正是Therion未来所要走的路。而此时乐队几经整合,几乎有解散的危险Christofer Johnsson并不气馁,继续招兵买马,并于1993年发表了带有神秘标题名的第三张专辑,这是一张将Death metal融合交响成份、阿拉伯民族乐、工业以及80年代重金属的实验性专辑,除了好评如潮之外,也让乐团更向前迈进一大步。
1994年德国的金属大厂Nuclear Blast前来与乐团接触,而这也正是Therion一直所希望找的唱片公司。
1995年乐团发表第四张专辑,这张作品更加著重於交响的发挥,同时亦加入了些许的歌剧演唱,而其中?lt;Beauty In Black>则成为Therion的一首经典名曲,此曲也收录於专辑前几个月发行的一张迷你CD(MCD)中,至於此曲的歌剧女音则是由参与Celtic Frost传奇专辑的Claudia Maria Mokri所演唱。此张专辑进一步显示了Therion向更为严谨的古典交响和歌特风的朝拜。
1997年,时逢乐队成立十周年,乐队进入德国汉堡的Impuls录音室,开始了Nuclear Blast唱片公司史上预算最庞大的录音工程,除了雇用Barmbek交响乐团外,更有两支完整的唱诗班参与(一为North German RadioChoir,一为专业的摇滚唱诗班The Siren Choir),加上一位古典乐及一位金属乐的双制作人共同合作,花费了一个半月的时间终於完成了经典巨作,此张专辑销售了近10万张(注:对欧洲重金属乐团来说已算大卖了),同时Therion亦展开了全欧洲的大规模巡回演唱行程,包括了和Amorphis共同演出的一个长期演唱,以及 一个为时两周与My Dying Bride、Sentenced、Secret Discovery和Sundown等团的音乐节(festival)演唱。
There is no doubt that there are certain bands out there that possess the number one spot in your playlists. Here is one band that there is also no doubt that they have rightfully claimed their spot in your cd-rack. They come from Sweden and for the past 15 years manage to re-invent their music orientations almost with every new release. Dear metalheads, THERION present “Gothic Kabbalah”.
After their previous album “Lemuria/Serius B” the path for their next may have been widened but at the same time more demanding. THERION give the first answer by releasing a double-cd this time. “Gothic Kabbalah” consists of 15 tracks the shortest of which is just under four minutes. The overall sound is not totally but carefully stripped off the previously predominant operatic parts and injected with not much but adequate heavier and straight-forward ones. One could justifiably claim that THERION have opened up to the more power side of metal.
Christofer Johnsson and Kristian Niemann have put together some of their best riffs ever and Mats Leven adds to the sound value of many tracks like “The Perennial Sophia” when at the same time the guest voices of Katarina Lilja and Hannah Holgersson are of the highest standards. The tracks that stand out are “Gothic Kabbalah”, “Son Of The Staves Of Time” and “Close Up The Streams”. They will be the first to catch your attention during the first spin, but as the listening sessions progress you will definitely admire the musical complexity in “TOF – The Trinity” and the folk atmosphere in “Trul”. However, THERION have included some tracks to remind their loyal fans of the dark/atmospheric aura that made them who they are with “Wand of Abaris” and “Three Treasures”, which introduce us to the second CD of this album.
Whether a fan or not, anyone can see that THERION have the ability to create outstanding music!
CD 1
01. Der Mitternachtslöwe
02. Gothic Kabbalah
03. The perennial Sophia
04. Wisdom and the cage
05. Son of the staves of time
06. Tuna 1613
07. Trul
08. Close up the streams
CD 2
01. The wand of Abaris
02. Three treasures
03. Path to Arcady
04. TOF – The Trinity
05. Chain of Minerva
06. The falling stone
07. Adulruna Rediviva
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