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专辑中文名: As Blood Rains From The Sky…
歌手: Fleshcrawl
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2000年
地区: 德国
语言: 英语
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德国老牌死亡金属乐队2000年专辑。1992年是Fleshcrawl首张作品「Descend Into The Absurd」问世的一年,也是Fleshcrawl往后更为人所知的一个起点,该团最早的东家为Black Mark Production,之后分别在Black Mark旗下发了四张专辑,顺带一提,他们的第三张作品「Bloodsoul」是交由Peter Tagtgren於Abyss Studio里所录製的,在之后Fleshcrawl 则在1998年跳槽到了曾经红极一时的唱片公司Ivansion Records,但这家公司后来也因为财务问题而宣告倒闭,在这段加盟Ivansion的期间,Fleshcrawl也曾与Vader、Kataklysm以及Monstrosity同台演出过,这也意味著该团的音乐是定位在Death Metal之上,比起上述三团Fleshcrawl一点也不逊色。
在欧洲的Death Metal很难不受到北欧乐风的影响,Fleshcrawl在追求死亡金属极致粗残的时候也不经意的透露出一股黑金属的气息,但骨子里依然还是死硬派的Death Metal,当他们在欧洲巡迴演出的时候也曾与Cannibal Corpse与Dark Funeral同台演出,试著想像这种金属狂嗥在空气中如烈火漫延,这也意味著Ivansion Record就算倒闭还是无法阻碍Fleshcrawl未来的发展。
新专辑「Soulskinner」就是在加盟Metal Blade之后所发行的第二张作品,而前作「As Blood Rain From The Sky….We Walk The Path of Endless Fire」则是由Fredrik Nordstorm (At The Gates etc.) 所製作,新专辑 (第6作) 延续著死金属一贯的兇悍与对极限的渴求,Fleshcrawl毫不迟疑也毫不客气的藉著音乐表达出对於黑暗与恐惧的描述,这张「Soulskinner」毫无疑问的,必然是一个酷爱死金属的乐迷的必备收藏!

Were there a prize for the longest album-title of the year, FLESHCRAWL would be a hot contender… After the very quick and none less surprising demise of their label Invasion Records, the Swabians have found a new home with Metal Blade Records, hopefully a lasting one after all the problems they have had in the past.
Anyway, FLESHCRAWL have already proved themselves as one of Germany’s most persistent Death Metal-bands and can be counted in the domestic top division. Stylistically they offer immensely heavy Death Metal of brutality-class no. 1 on the one hand and quite nice melodies on the other, which can stand the test of most internationally established acts. Also the quintet has taken on the EXCITER-classic “Swords Of Darkness” and did a good job in transferring it to Death Metal.
The sound has turned out to be great as well, I only say Studio Fredman in Gothenburg…
Every Death-gourmet should not pass by this tasty slaughter-platter, the Metal-vegetarians still should avoid this one nonetheless…

01. March of the Dead (Intro) (2:00)
02. Path of Endless Fire (1:51)
03. Under the Banner of Death (3:26)
04. As Blood Rains from the Sky (3:14)
05. Embraced by Evil (3:28)
06. Dark Side of My Soul (4:30)
07. Swords of Darkness (3:25)
08. Impure Massacre of Bloody Souls (3:55)
09. Creation of Wrath (3:39)
10. Graves of the Tortured (3:40)
11. Feed the Demon’s Heart (5:21)
12. The Day Man Lost (bonus track) (1:15)




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