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专辑中文名: World Without Tears
歌手: Lucinda Williams
版本: [Flac]发行时间: 2003年04月08日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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发行公司:Lost Highway
Lucinda Williams是美国布鲁斯民谣摇滚创作性女歌手.她的嗓音饱满,浑厚,演唱十分真诚,充满情感。许多人对他不是太熟悉,
国内很少有介绍她的。她是比较根源化的歌手,没有象Shania Twain那样将乡村乐流行再流行.而是保持了美国民谣和乡村乐中质朴无华的一面.所以她在乡村乐迷中有很高的威望,每个听了她的歌的人几乎都无法抗拒地成为她的死忠歌迷。
Lucinda 终身未婚,她对自己的感情世界也讳莫如深。透过她的歌我们窥见的多半是挫折和失落,是隐藏着幻灭的欢乐,是没有结局的想望和渴慕,是记忆中种种美好不美好的往事。
《World without Tears》是Lucinda Williams2003年的专辑。World without Tears,多么美好的愿望。只是,没有眼泪,瘀伤如何能够找到安放的脸庞?疤痕如何能够找到镂刻的皮肤?折断如何能够找到骨头?《World without Tears》中,Lucinda Williams的情感宣泄无遮无挡,畅快淋漓,当然也是伤心恸骨的。在感情的伤痛中,睿智如Lucinda Williams者也似乎疯狂了。伤情布鲁斯,Lucinda Williams似乎要将它演绎到极至。
Most artists who appeal to adult listeners tend to settle into a comfortable niche, but Lucinda Williams refuses to play it safe. Instead, her music stings like an open wound, as she continues to strip away the protective layers from her art’s emotional core. Though Williams has long been prized for the naked honesty of her music, this collection is even rawer than its predecessors. From the down-and-dirty bar-band blues of “Atonement” to the Rolling Stones-style swagger of “Bleeding Fingers” to the tricky balance of debasement and transcendence in “Ventura,” Williams leaves the nerve endings of her music exposed. With the band opting for first-take immediacy rather than polish, some of the most powerful material is also the neediest, as the singer addresses lovers who have disrespected her (“Righteously”) or abandoned her (“Those Three Days,” “Minneapolis”). Though her attempts at rap on “Sweet Side” and “American Dream” might cause diehard fans to wince, her willingness to take creative chances reaffirms her position at the vanguard of a rootsy progressivism that transcends musical category. Simply put, there’s more Patti Smith in her than there is Patsy Cline. –Don McLeese(Amazon.com)(emule转载,感谢原发,介绍摘自网络)
01. Fruits of My Labor
02. Righteously
03. Ventura
04. Bleeding Fingers
05. Over Time
06. Those Three Days
07. Atonement
08. Sweet Side
09. Minneapolis
10. People Talkin’
11. American Dream
12. World Without Tears



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