笔效绘图软件(Corel Painter Essentials 4.0)
- 24 12 月, 2022
- 0 条评论
Corel Painter Essentials 4.0
测试系统: Windows XP
版本: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
共用伺服器: http://www.UseNeXT.to、Em Srever No.1
共用服务时间: 全天不定时
Corel Painter Essentials 是在获奖的 Corel? Painter? IX 基础上创建的,Corel Painter Essentials 是一个完整的家庭艺术工作室,适合新手,同样也适合专业人士使用。它包含了开拓数字艺术领域所需的一切,可以从你的照片创建惊人的图像。
Corel Painter Essentials 易学易用,引入最新的 Photo Painting Palettes 插件,只需三步即可完成“照片-图画”的转换过程,面板工具细腻逼真,如同使用真实的画笔、纸张及颜料,质感极强。
* Photo Painting Palettes(照片笔调色板):只需三步即可将照片制作成炫丽的图画
* Quick Clone(快速克隆):能简化图像克隆过程
* Sketch Effect(速描效果):可自动将照片制作成速描画
* Cloner Tool(克隆工具):能够快速拾取上次用到的克隆画笔
* Artists Oils(艺术油画):在画布上进行油彩涂绘,画笔笔触浓重,质感强烈
* Digital Watercolor(数字水彩):画笔水彩效果逼真,笔迹间相互侵润,极具震撼力
* 旋转/翻转画布(Rotate/Flip Canvas):增加了数字艺术创作的灵活性
* 橡皮擦工具(Eraser Tool):方便拾取标准擦除工具,可以擦除任何介质
* 橡皮图章工具(Rubber Stamp Tool):能进行点对点克隆
* 点击及拖拽即可隐藏或显示多个图层。包括新型喷枪和图案,还有超过 75 种的 Natural-Media 笔刷
* Welcome Screen(主界面):易于访问最近访问过的文件及软件教程,浏览 Corel Painter Masters 艺术图库更为便捷
* Quick Start Tutorials(快速入门教程):启动及运行快捷
* lynda.com提供培训视频资料:学习绘画技巧,记忆牢固深刻
* Quick Guide Palette(快速指南面板):获取实时提示及帮助
* 支持 Corel Paint Shop Pro,在 Corel Painter Essentials 中可直接打开 Paint Shop Pro 文件(仅限PC机)
* 支持 Corel Photo Album,可将图像从 Corel Painter Essentials 向 Corel Photo Album 传送(仅PC机)
* 支持 Adobe Photoshop CS 及 Photoshop Elements:打开或存储 PSD 文件时可保留图层和图层集(图层组)
* 支持 Apple iPhoto,与 Apple iPhoto 系统完全兼容(但需更改iPhoto中的"参数"设置)
* 支持 Wacom pen tablet 功能:支持 Wacom 公司的新系列产品:Graphire4,Intuos3,Cintiq 21UX,及 6D 美术笔
速度最快,画笔速度比先前 Painter Essentials 版本的快 10 倍
* 支持多用户:多用户可在同一台计算机上协同工作,完美无缝
* 缩放:区域均衡控制功能提供最佳视图
* 自定义鼠标指针:指针图标丰富(包括三角形指针图标 Triangle Cursor),可任意选择
操作系统:Windows 2000,Windows XP (带最新服务包)或 Windows Vista
CPU:Pentium II, 500 MHz 或以上
内存:256 MB
Wacom 数位板完全安装所需硬盘空间: 150 MB
显示器分析率:1024 X 768 或以上
操作系统:Mac OS X (版本 10.2.8 或以上)
CPU:Power Macintosh G3, 500 MHz 或以上
内存:256 MB
Wacom 数位板完全安装所需硬盘空间: 150 MB
显示器分析率:1024 X 768 或以上
注意: 使用 Corel Painter Essentials 4 时,须将屏幕显示设置为24位或以上
Home Page
Corel? Painter? Essentials 4
The Easy-to-Use Home Art Studio
Corel? Painter? Essentials 4 is the simple-to-use home art studio that makes it easy for you to sketch, paint and turn your photos into paintings. Two new workspaces put the tools you need at your fingertips, whether you’re turning a photo into a painting, or sketching and painting on a blank canvas. Based on the world’s most powerful painting and illustration software, Corel? Painter?, it’s the ideal way to get started with digital art!
Turn Photos into Paintings
You can create a painting from a photo in just three steps:
·Open the photo you want to paint in the Source Image palette. Your photo will be saved with the Painter Essentials file format, so it’s easy to return to a project later
·Choose one of the preset painting styles from the menus on the Auto-Painting Palette to get the look you want
·Let new Smart Stroke? technology create stunning paintings—with brush strokes that follow the form of your photo!
Discover an Expressive and Natural painting experience
The Drawing and Painting workspace is designed to put the tools you need at your finger tips.
·Identify and choose brushes easily with the New Brush Drawer
·Go back to recently used brushes quickly with Brush History
·Organize your favorite brushes in one spot for easy access
·Select paint colors with a single click on the New Colors palette
·Create new colors easily with the convenient New Mixer palette
Explore Learning Materials
Free video tutorials by Painter master John Derry, combined with the tutorials printed in the user guide, make it easier than ever to get started—and get the results you want.
System Requirements
Windows? version:
·Windows Vista? or Windows XP (with latest Service Pack)
·Pentium? III, 700 MHz or greater
·256 MB RAM
·Mouse or tablet
·24-bit color display
·1024 x 768 screen resolution
·1 GB of HD space for installation
Mac OS version:
·Mac OS? X 10.4.x (with latest revision)
·Power Macintosh? G4, 700 MHz or greater
·256 MB RAM
·Mouse or tablet
·24-bit color display
·1024 x 768 screen resolution
·1 GB of HD space for installation
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