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这是老马(Mark Knopfler)的第5张SOLO专辑,作为Dire Straits的主唱,很多歌迷都被他那富有诗意的节奏和精湛的演奏技巧所征服,称他为弹吉他的诗人。时光在流失,当同时代艺人不断淡出的时候,他却凭借着自己不断的创作灵感,给我门带来了一曲又一曲耐听的,另人回味的杰作,这一次,他将给我带来怎样的感受呢?

第6首歌是Secondary Waltz,从名字就能感到温暖,这首歌的歌词是三十年前写的,这次老马重新谱曲,而且由电吉改为了木吉他演奏,同时也一改以前几张以Fender Stratcaster, Gibson LP, 和 National O 吉他作为宣传照片的首选吉他的风格。


Mark Knopfler(马克。莱弗乐) 是Dire Straits(恐怖海峡)的主音吉它兼主唱,是乐队的灵魂人物,可以说,这个乐队是他个人情感的宣泄。Dire Straits(恐怖海峡)乐队融合了爵士与民谣,表演质朴而有内涵,让我们在电声音乐中还能感受到许多传统音乐的温馨,他们作品可以说张张是精品,是新音乐中比较具有特色的一支乐队。乐队的作品基本上出于Mark Knopfler的手笔,Mark是一位才子型人物,他不仅有出众的吉它演奏技巧,而且十分自信且很有观念,他力求做真正的完美音乐家而不是一位娱乐界的明星。

Three decades after Dire Straits broke onto the scene with their remarkable debut, Mark Knopfler remains an iconic figure in popular music, his graceful guitar playing equaled only by his genial baritone and a novelist’s ability to create distinct characters and themes in his songs. His fifth solo album since he pulled the plug on the band in 1995, Crimson reflects on a torrent of narratives, from the gracefully aging spouse in the flute-powered ballad "The Scaffolder’s Wife" to the valiant down-and-outer in the Scottish folk song "Heart Full of Holes." Employing accordions, fiddles, and horns as majestic accompaniment, Knopfler drifts into the Celtic-tinged melodies of his past, explicitly in the whiskey-soaked singalong "Secondary Waltz," the busker’s saga "Madame Geneva’s," and "The Fish and the Bird," with its vagabond pensiveness. Clocking in at just under an hour, the album–without any page-turning epic–plays instead like an anthology of written works, every personification crisp in definition, every story exquisitely told. –Scott Holter



01. True Love Will Never Fade
02. The Scaffolder’s Wife
03. The Fizzy And The Still
04. Heart Full Of Holes
05. We Can Get Wild
06. Secondary Waltz
07. Punish The Monkey
08. Let It All Go
09. Behind With The Rent
10. The Fish And The Bird
11. Madame Geneva’s
12. In The Sky



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