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【类 型】:喜剧
【片 长】:每集30分钟
【集 数】:本季共13集
【字 幕】:暂无
【服务器】:S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)

加拿大CTV台爆笑喜剧《Corner Gas》讲述了一家开在偏远小镇的唯一一家加油站和咖啡店发生的搞笑故事。这个小镇位于一个偏僻的大牧场上,主要人物有这家加油站的老板Brent Leroy,咖啡店的老板Lacey Burrows,还有他最好的朋友Hank Yarbo,警官Davis Quinton 和Karen Pelly ,以及售货员Wanda。在这宁静的草原小镇上生活非常安静,但这真是他们喜欢的方式。该剧已播完4季,获得过众多奖项和提名,在加拿大拥有极高的收视率,每晚超过一百万人观看,这也是首部完全在萨斯喀彻温省拍摄的CTV剧集。

Corner Gas is about the lives of the people who live in Dog River and hang around the only gas station and restaurant in town. The cast of characters includes Brent LeRoy, the owner of Corner Gas and chronic comicbook reader; his assistant at the station, Wanda Dollard, who is just a little too well educated to be stuck where she is, but doesn’t seem to mind it; Hank Yarbo, Brent’s friend from his school days whose hobbies consist of hanging out at the gas station and drinking coffee; Lacey Burrows, a big-city girl who’s a little out of place in small town Saskatchewan; Brent’s parents, Oscar and Emma LeRoy, who bicker all the time, but when push comes to shove, they’re there for each other; and the town constabulary, Davis Quinton and Karen Pelly, who seem to get into more trouble than they stop.

The show has been a favourite in Canada since its inception, and has constantly hit high marks in the ratings, making it the number one comedy in Canada. It has garnered numerous award nods and wins, including the Canadian Comedy Awards, the Directors’ Guild of Canada, Writers’ Guild of Canada, Gemini Awards and an Emmy nomination.

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加油站趣事 第一季(Corner Gas Season 1)13集全[DVDRip] → http://www.books51.com/518577.html



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