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【类型】: 剧情
【片长】: 平均60分钟
【字幕】YYeTs美剧字幕组翻译之中文字幕[ http://www.YYETS.net]====中文英文字幕以及中英双语字幕单独下载====



Sebastian Stark is a high priced, high profile L.A. defense attorney that has had enough of getting his guilty clients off with less than a slap on the wrist. After a client he got off turned around and committed almost the same horrific crime that he was acquitted for, Stark went into seclusion and was brought out by the Mayor making him an offer he couldn’t refuse. The mayor hired him to be a prosecutor in charge of a group of other Deputy D.A.’s to try the most high profile and difficult cases in the city.

Now, Stark’s boss, District Attorney Jessica Devlin, is the same person with whom he beat and made look the fool in front of her voters. She doesn’t care for him because of his brash, condescending attitude toward her office, but victories by him will cause her to have to deal with him and maybe start to respect him and his style. She has assigned him a group of young prosecutors that have their own strengths and drawbacks. Now they just have to rally around someone that doesn’t have any time or patience for failure.

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律政狂鲨 第二季(shark Season 2)[人人美剧YYETS]更新第4集[RMVB] → http://www.books51.com/514094.html



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