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中文名: Windows Live Movie Maker基础培训视频教程

英文名: Lynda.com.Windows.Live.Movie.maker.Essential.Training

资源格式: 光盘镜像发行日期: 2011年

地区: 美国对白语言: 英语文字语言: 英文


IPB Image


Lynda.com 出品的时长2小时07分的 Windows Live Movie Maker基础培训 视频教程。由David Rivers演示了怎样从家庭录影带和照片制作自己个性的电影。讲述如何快速自动的制作电影,利用其主题、过渡效果和标题。还探讨了如何提升制作电影到新的水平,利用更多的高级功能制作内容,并添加一些特殊效果。完成之后怎样在网上共享或DVD分享你的作品。本教程附带练习文件。

简介翻译摘自 xuehui@TLF

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     TiTLE : Lynda.com.Windows.Live.Movie.maker.Essential.Training.DVD-iRONiSO

     TYPE     :  BOOKWARE                Cracker    :  iRONiSO

     FiLE     :  39 X 50MB               PACKAGER   :  iRONiSO

     TOTAL    :  1 * DVD                 SUPPLiER   :  TEAM iRON

     PLATFORM :  WINDOWS                 FORMAT     :  ISO

     RLS DATE :  01/10/11                PROTECTiON :  NONE


                                 Course Contents

        Using the exercise files and restoring missing links
     1. Getting Started                                    
        Installing Windows Live Movie Maker                
        Touring the Movie Maker interface                  
        Starting and saving a new project                  
        Adjusting the view                                  
     2. Gathering Content                                  
        Understanding what files you can use                
        Adding and organizing video and pictures            
        Importing photos from a camera                      
        Importing video from a camcorder                    
        Importing content from other devices                
        Adding music to a project                          
     3. Putting It All Together                            
        Creating an AutoMovie                              
        Adding and modifying titles in a project            
        Adding and formatting captions in a clip            
        Adding and modifying credits in a project          
        Adjusting music options                            
        Trimming and splitting video clips                  
        Adjusting photo duration and rotation              
        Adjusting and mixing video and audio volume        
        Creating a snapshot from existing video            
     4. Adding Special Effects                              
        Creating transitions between clips                  
        Panning and zooming photos                          
        Adding visual effects to photos and video          
        Adding multiple effects to a single clip            
        Removing effects                                    
     5. Sharing the Final Product                          
        Saving your movie in high definition                
        Saving your movie to DVD                            
        Saving your movie in lower-resolution formats      
        Uploading a movie to YouTube                        
        Publishing a movie to other web locations          
     6. Advanced Techniques                                
        Making a movie from Windows Live Photo Gallery      
        Creating slow-motion video                          
        Adding additional audio tracks                      
        What’s next?                                        


     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  For Additional info  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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