Fedora 11 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux宝典 (Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Christopher Negus
- 30 9 月, 2022
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- Fedora is a free, open source Linux operating system sponsored by Red Hat as an open source community project; the technological innovations from the Fedora Project are then implemented in Red Hat\’s commercial offering, Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Covers step-by-step instructions for making Linux installation simple and painless;
how to take advantage of the desktop interface (including coverage of AIGLX); and how to use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor - Also covers setting up users; automating system tasks; backing up and restoring files; dealing with the latest security issues and threats; using and customizing the desktop menus, icons, window manager, and xterm; and how to create and publish formatted documents with Linux applications
- The DVD and CD that come with the book include Fedora Linux 11 and an official Fedora 11 LiveCD (bootable and installable)
中文名: Fedora 11 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux宝典
原名: Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
别名: Fedora,Linux,RHEL,Bible
图书分类: 计算机与网络
资源格式: PDF
版本: 第1版
出版社: Wiley
书号: 978-0-470-48504-0
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Fedora 是一个开放的、创新的、前瞻性的操作系统和平台,基于 Linux。它允许任何人自由地使用、修改和重发布,无论现在还是将来。它由一个强大的社群开发,这个社群的成员以自己的不懈努力,提供并维护自由、开放源码的软件和开放的标准。Fedora 项目由 Fedora 基金会管理和控制,得到了 Red Hat, Inc. 的支持。
Fedora 是一个独立的操作系统,是Linux的一个发行版,可运行的体系结构包括 x86(即i386-i686), x86_64 和 PowerPC。
Fedora Core(自第七版直接更名为Fedora)是众多 Linux 发行套件之一。它是一套从Red Hat Linux发展出来的免费Linux系统。现时Fedora最新的版本是Fedora 12,Fedora是linux发行版中更新最快的之一,通常每6个月发布一个正式的新版本。
Fedora和Redhat这两个Linux的发行版放联系很密切。Redhat 自9.0以后,不再发布桌面版的,而是把这个项目与开源社区合作,于是就有了Fedora 这个 Linux 发行版。Fedora 可以说是Redhat 桌面版本的延续,只不过是与开源社区合作。
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The leading Fedora book-over a quarter of a million copies sold of previous editions!
What better way to learn Fedora 11 than with the leading Fedora book from the best-selling Linux author, Christopher Negus with Eric Foster Johnson? Whether you’re new to Linux or an advanced user, this power-packed guide is loaded with what you need. Install, run, and manage the latest version of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux-then polish your system administration skills and get up to speed on the very latest in networking, desktop, and server enhancements.
Master the Linux shell, file system, and text editor; how to set up users and automate system tasks; and much more in over a thousand pages of step-by-step instruction. Boot the full DVD of Fedora 11, including almost all binary code packages, or do a Live Install of the CD for rescuing, troubleshooting, or installing Fedora.
This is the book you need to succeed with Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
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Fedora 11 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux宝典 (Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Christopher Negus → http://www.books51.com/47593.html |
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