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GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner v9.0
The No. 1 network security scanner & vulnerability management solution

GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner采用黑客可能使用的各种方式来检查你的网络。通过分析你的系统和在你的网络上执行的程序,它可以帮你找出可能的安全漏洞,这样,你可以在黑客发现之前,来采取有效的行动进行弥补。可以检查整个网络,每个IP,并提供有关信息(是否少装文件,哪个口是打开的,等等),产生HTML的报告。

引用GFI LANguard is an award-winning network and security scanner used by over 20,000 customers that allows you to scan your network and ports to detect, assess and rectify security vulnerabilities with minimal administrative effort. As an administrator, you have to deal separately with problems related to vulnerability issues, patch management and network auditing, at times using multiple products. However, with GFI LANguard these three pillars of vulnerability management are addressed in one package, allowing you to have a complete picture of your network set-up and maintain a secure network state faster and more effectively.

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GFI MailEssentials v14.0
The No.1 anti-spam solution used by 80,000+ customers

MailEssentials是一款基于服务器端的垃圾邮件过滤软件,其在服务器级过滤垃圾邮件,避免了桌面用户安装任何的反垃圾邮件工具。 MailEssentials提供了快速的配置和高效的垃圾邮件检测功能,采用了贝叶斯分析和其它一些方法来检测邮件,可以过滤98%的垃圾邮件。支持 IBM Lotus协作办公软件系统。

引用The most effective way to beat spammers at their game is to use the no. 1 anti-spam solution GFI MailEssentials, which is used by 80,000 customers worldwide and has won over 60 awards.

GFI MailEssentials features not one, but two anti-spam engines to give administrators an ultra high spam capture rate out of the box with minimal configuration. Not only does it have one of the highest spam capture rates in the industry – over 99% – and is the market leader for reducing false positives but it also ships at the best price on the market.

The latest version includes SpamRazer; an additional anti-spam engine that provides a second layer of protection. It has been designed to be very simple to use and due to frequent updates, SpamRazer will require no tweaking or training for it to be fully effective to filter the latest spam attacks such as NDR spam, CNN spam, MSNBC spam and any new types that appear on a regular basis. With SpamRazer filtering, IP reputation filtering, Bayesian and other advanced anti-spam technology modules, administrators can rest assured that the spam capture rate will be the highest possible. GFI MailEssentials also has a market-leading low rate of false positives.

GFI MailEssentials can detect and block phishing emails as well as add email management tools to your mail server: disclaimers, mail monitoring, Internet mail reporting, list server, server-based auto replies and POP3 downloading.

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GFI MailSecurity v10.0
The leading SMB email security product with up to 5 virus scanners

一款电子邮件的内容检查、侦测、威胁分析及防毒的解决方案,它能在垃圾或病毒邮件影响你的使用者之前就将之移除掉。MailSecurity的主要功能包含多种病毒引擎以提供更好的保护,电子邮件内容及附件的检查以隔离危险的邮件、探索护盾可进行邮件入侵的侦测与防护、还有邮件威胁引擎可分析并阻挡 HTML scripts、.exe档案等等更多的东西。另外还有VS API或gateway的版本。VS API版本与Exchange Server 2000整合,可扫瞄Exchange Server 2000的资讯内容。gateway版本必须安装在网路的外围当作邮件替代服务器。

引用The ever-increasing volume of viruses and other malware serves to highlight how important it is for companies to have adequate anti-virus and email exploit protection on their network. Such is the range of virus variants appearing daily, products that use a single anti-virus engine to scan inbound email do not provide sufficient protection at either server or desktop level. What you do need to protect the network from viruses is a product such as GFI MailSecurity that provides not one, but up to five anti-virus engines running on the email server.

With multiple anti-virus engines you:

* Reduce the average time to obtain virus signatures which combat the latest threats
* Take advantage of all their strengths because no single AV scanner is the best
* Virtually eliminate the chances of an infection
* Get a product that is cheaper than any single AV engine solution.

With over 30,000 customers and the best price on the market, GFI MailSecurity acts as an email firewall protecting you from email viruses, exploits and threats, as well as email attacks targeted at your organization. You also get the GFI MailSecurity ReportPack, a full-fledged reporting companion that provides you with easy-to-view information that is needed to fully understand your email security patterns.

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GFI EndPointSecurity v4.0
Control network access and use of devices such as USB drives, iPods and PDAs


引用The proliferation of consumer devices such as iPods, USB drivers, smart phones and other portable devices has increased the risk of data leakage and malicious activity on networks. While most companies have anti-virus software, firewalls, email and web content security to protect against external threats, few realize how easy it is for an employee to copy huge amounts of sensitive data onto an iPod or USB stick. There is also a risk of viruses or malware and illegal software being introduced on the network. One way to prevent this from happening is to lock down all ports but this is neither sustainable nor advised.

Prevent data theft and virus infection from within with endpoint security software
Unfortunately, many businesses are unaware of or ignore the threat until something actually happens. According to research conducted by eMedia on behalf of GFI in the US, few medium-sized businesses consider portable storage devices to be a major threat while fewer than 20% had implemented software to address this risk. The key to managing portable device use is to install an endpoint security solution that gives administrators control over what devices are in use, have been used and by whom and in-depth knowledge of what data has been copied.

Control portable device use on your network with GFI EndPointSecurity
GFI EndPointSecurity allows administrators to actively manage user access and log the activity of:

* Media players, including iPods, Creative Zen and others
* USB drives, CompactFlash, memory cards, CDs, floppies & other portable storage devices
* PDAs, BlackBerry handhelds, mobile phones, smart phones and similar communication devices
* Network cards, laptops and other network connections.

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GFI EventsManager v8.1
Event monitoring, management and archiving made easy!


引用The huge volume of system events generated daily is a valuable source of information for organizations to meet legal and compliance obligations and address IT security risks. Growing threats to business continuity calls for an approach that includes real-time monitoring of the network and also the ability to report and analyze this data to meet stringent and more demanding legal or compliance obligations.

This is, however, an overwhelming task without the proper tools. With thousands of customers and competitively priced, GFI EventsManager 8 eases the burden on administrators and simplifies the complexity of events management, archiving and reporting.

GFI EventsManager is an events monitoring, management and archiving solution that helps organization meet legal and regulatory compliance such as SOX, PCI DSS, and HIPAA. This award-winning software supports a wide range of event types such as W3C, Windows events, Syslog and, in the latest version, SNMP traps generated by devices such as firewalls, routers and sensors as well as custom devices.

Providing support for devices from the top 20 manufacturers in the world as well as custom devices, GFI EventsManager allows you to monitor an extended range of hardware products, report on the health and operational status of each one and collect data for analysis. >>

GFI EventsManager helps your organization to address the following 4 areas:

* Information system and network security: Detect intruders and security breaches
* System health monitoring: Proactively monitor your servers
* Legal and regulatory compliance: An aid to meet regulatory compliance
* Forensic investigations: A reference point when something goes wrong.

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GFI MailArchiver For Exchange v6.0

Exchange 的 GFI MailArchiver 提供了使用简便的企业电子邮件存档功能,用户能将所有内部和外部的Email存档到一个或多个数据库中。很大程度上减少了对 PST 文件的依赖。这使你能为用户提供对过去的 Email 简单且集中的访问,以及通过一键式恢复进程进行快速恢复 Email 的功能。GFI MailArchiver 还能帮助你满足 Email 保持策略的要求,并帮助你履行常规的 Email 存储需求,如 Sarbanes-Oxley Act。Exchange 的 GFI MailArchiver 平衡了 Exchange Server 2000/2003 的日志功能,从而提供了空前的可测量性和可靠性,并同时提供极具竞争力的价格。

为何选用 Exchange 的 GFI MailArchiver?
– 轻松便捷的邮件归档解决方案
– 将您从 PST 文件管理的问题中解放出来
– 集中式访问过去的邮件 – 允许员工使用网页浏览器从一个地方轻松访问他们全部的邮件
– 帮助您实现管理邮件存储的需求

荣获各类奖项包括:MSExchange Gold Award, Windows IT Pro Email Archiving Solution Readers’ Choice Award 等等

– 将整个企业的邮件归档到一个或多个 MS SQL Server 数据库
– 完全基于网页的界面允许最终用户从世界的任何地方搜索过去的电子邮件
– 允许用户通过 OneClick Restore 过程来迅速恢复邮件 – 甚至误删除的邮件!

– 减少 对笨重的 PST 文件的依赖 – 在硬件故障时易于损坏或丢失,并需要复杂的备份计划
– 向最终用户提供单一的、基于网页的位置来搜索,并通过 OneClick Restore 过程恢复过去的邮件
– 显著降低邮件的存储需求,降幅高达 80%
– 增强 Exchange 性能并简化备份和恢复
– 有助于遵从 Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC 等法规
引用GFI MailArchiver is the single solution source for your email archiving, email management problems on Exchange Server. With over 10,000 customers, we are the #1 email archiving software for small to medium sized businesses. GFI MailArchiver is used by administrators all over the world, to maintain an archive of all corporate email correspondence, significantly reduce the demands on the Exchange server, manage and reduce the company’s dependency on PST files and also meet a growing number of regulations on compliance, eDiscovery and other legislation. Our product is easy to install, requires very little administrative effort, and ships at the lowest price on the market!
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Network Server Monitor v7.0.20090218

监视网络和服务器故障并自动修复。检查Exchange Server、SQL、Oracle、HttP/FTP、磁盘健康与空间、事件日志等。

GFI Network Server Monitor监视网络并对服务器故障做出反应,以保障网络正常运行时间最大化
*为何选用**GFI Network Server Monitor**?*
>监视服务器和工作站上的磁盘空间、服务、进程等引用Automated Server and Network Monitoring Made Easy
GFI Network Server Monitor™ is the software solution you need to scan your network for failures or irregularities. GFI Network Server Monitor scans automatically so you can identify issues and fix unexpected problems before your users (or managers) even know they’ve happened.


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