- 8 12 月, 2022
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照片特效 AMS Software Photo Effects Studio 允许你添加美妙的发光和雾特效。以及雪,雷电和星夜。同时您替照片创建旧照片,铅笔画,马赛克,雕刻,本书插图等等。还包括一个一套独特的过滤器,例如,扑克工作,立体主义和剪辑。您也可以使你的照片更时尚,框架和口罩,还添加文本和装饰品。该工具包括大量的古典与现代框的特效。
Photo Effects Studio 使用数百个独特的过滤器轻松更改你的照片。有五种类型的过滤器的位置:彩色效果,照明效果,传统,艺术和失真滤波器。有了它,您就可以完全改变任何图像。该软件可让您使用50多组合效果修改图片。
Photo Effects is a new program for processing photos with the help of various filters. With it, you can completely transform any image. The program allows you to use more than 50 effects, including both traditional and original ones. You will be able to take a look at your photos in the rain and snow, in fog and up in the sky, add some sun light to it or swirl it in a typhoon…
AMS Software Photo Effects
You can combine effects and create truly fantastic compositions. It is possible to apply the selected filters both to the entire image and to its parts highlighting the most important fragment of the photo. Photo Effects will help to decorate your home photo album, website and will even allow you to create an original greeting card.
Photo Effects makes it possible to not only process, but also decorate photos. It offers you more than 100 frames and masks that will decorate portraits, landscapes and even simple casual shots. It is important that you can apply effects both before and after you decorate a photo. Combining effects and frames is one of the main features of the program. For example, you can apply a classic frame and then use lighting effects to add realistic sunlight to its contour. Try to use this feature more often and you will see how pretty the images Photo Effects creates are.
AMS Photo Effects :: Features
Photo Effects has an intuitive interface and it is easy to learn how to use the program. You will be able to easily process and decorate photos, combine effects and do much more in just a couple of minutes. You can see three main features of the program on its three tabs:
* Effects. There are five categories of filters here: color effects, lighting effect, traditional, artistic and distortion filters.
* Decoration. If you open this tab, you will find five types of frames, including classic frames, relief frames, masks, etc.
* Composition. This feature allows you to position your photo on the page in a beautiful way with the help of perspective adjustment. You can make the image fly in space, rotate it, add a shadow or glowing.
As in any graphic editor, you can adjust the brightness and contrast of a photo, adjust its color palette, resize or crop it before you apply effects. And after you process it, you will be able to easily add a small caption. Thus, Photo Effects offers you the widest set of features for you to be able to make your photo worthy of a digital art exhibition!
软件类型: 图形图像-图像处理
软件性质: 无插件绿色软件 / 共享软件
应用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
资源发布: 大软件分享基地
版权声明: 软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件,所提供之软件只供学习用,由此产生的任何法律问题和经济损失盖不负责。
共享时间: 全天长期做种
共享服务器: eDonkeyServer No2
测试通过操作系统: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (云端版目前仅支持在32位 Windows 下运行)
查毒情况: 使用 Avira AntiVir 英文版(程序版本:,病毒库版本:查毒,未发现报毒情况。
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