- 7 12 月, 2022
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1. Introduction: AdvancedSkeleton is a collection of Maya tools for doing character setup. The Main Features of AdvancedSkeleton are: Not limited to a pre made FitSkeleton, you can create any FitSkeleton you like. The local rotation axis and rotation orders are set by the FitSkeleton, so you can control these. You can go back from AdvancedSkeleton to the FitSkeleton, and make changes and then rebuild the AdvancedSkeleton. Unlimited body configurations, 3 heads, 5 legs, 100 fingers, & anything goes. Comes with a drag`n`drop `SelectorDesigner`, that lets you easily create custom `Selector` user interfaces. And a `PoserDesigner`, that creates UIs for storing and retrieving poses.
2. Installation:
Run the SETUP file (setup.exe) Choose the Destination Folder NOTE: destination folder must be your Maya user directory e.g.: C:/Documents and Settings/Name/My Documents/Maya/2008/ Finish installation. Start Maya. Now you will find a new Shelf called ‘advancedSkeleton`
运行SETUP文件(Setup.exe)选择目标文件夹注意:目标文件夹必须是您的Maya用户目录例如:C:/ Documents and Settings /用户名/ My Documents /maya/ 2008 /完成安装。运行Maya.现在,你会发现一个新的工具栏’advancedSkeleton`
3. Overview: The key functionality of AdvancedSkeleton is to: Generate a complex motion system (AdvancedSkeleton) from a simple joint chain (FitSkeleton)
Joints that are on the `negative X` side of origin, gets read as the characters right side,
and will mirror these to the left side. The following information gets read from the FitSkeleton joints: names, positions, rotations, rotation axis, rotation orders. It also reads the following from the joints to determine the high level controls: labels and dependencyGraph input/output connections. The following joint labels will create high level controls:
FitSkeleton joint labels:
AdvancedSkeleton high level controls:
"Hand" & "Shoulder" Arm IK
"Hip" & "Foot" Leg IK
"LegAim" 3 bone (dog leg) IK
"Heel", "Ball" & "Toe" FootRoll system
"BigToe" & "PinkyToe" Foot rock-side-to-side system
"Root" & "Chest" (optional:"Mid") Spine IK
"Eye" Look at.. aim system
"0", "1", "2", etc.. Spline IK. (for tails, trunk, ponytails, etc.)
"Prop" Props that can be translated. (for hats, glasses, etc.)
Fittools also let you add the following attributes to the FitSkeleton: "TwistJoints" : will generate joints for distributing twist rotation along a bone. "Global" : will generate a control for maintaining world space orientation. "FreeOrient" : will preserve joints orientation, instead of auto orienting to X down. dependencyGraph input/output connections: AdvancedSkeleton will attempt to read any input/output connections from the FitSkeleton, and recreates the setup on both left & right side on the AdvancedSkeleton. See a example of this by loading the "biped" FitSkeleton template, and select the "Wrist" joint. Note that there are several custom attributes for controlling the fingers. This is a simple set-driven-keys setup, and it gets analyzed by AdvancedSkeleton, and implemeted in the full rig. You can create your own custom attributes to control any parts of the FitSkeleton. And it is not limited to setDrivenKey, but virtually any nodes connected in any way.
4. The Tools:
Fittools Browse through available FitSkeleton, and import any of them to the scene. You can add a your FitSkeleton to the list of available FitSkeletons, by saving it to the installDir/FitSkeletons/ folder. Fittools also has buttons for adding or removing FitSkeleton attributes and labels.
AdvancedSkeleton Builds the AdvancedSkeleton from selected joint hierarchy. Select the top joint of the FitSkeleton before executing this.
Utilities Utilities has following tools: Rebuild: :The FitSkeleton is always kept with the AdvancedSkeleton, allowing for joint placement tweaks at any time. To expose the original FitSkeleton, click "Toggle Fit/Advanced". This will display the FitSkeleton, which allows you to tweak the original joint placement. Run "Rebuild Skeleton" after you made tweaks to the FitSkeleton. Any objects that have been parented to the skeleton, will be re-parented to the newly built skeleton. And by turning on the "Rebuild Connections" option, AdvancedSkeleton will also re-link hypergraph connections.(e.g skinning) Skinning: Go to Build Pose: applies all the values stored when the AdvancedSkeleton was first build. Select DeformJoints: selects the joints intended for binding (skinning). This can also be done by selecting all members of the "DeformSet" Hide / UnHide MotionSystem: Allows you to display ONLY the joints intended for binding. Useful when using `edit membership` or `paint weights` tools. Locking: Assigns joints to a layer called "jointLayer", and sets the layers displayType to "Reference", This is useful so animators do not accidentally select and manipulate the joints. Boxes: Create/Remove/Mirror Poly-Boxes to fit the character. These boxes can be used as low-res geometry representation of your character, or use the Boolean function to create a more accurate low-res representation. The Bevel function, creates rounded corners for all the boolean objects. Cylinders: Creates nurbs cylinders which provides a alternativ way for selecting the controls. The FK control cylinders are by default transparent, so that the geometry appear to be the controls. Character Set: ‘CreateCharacter’ :Brings together all the essential attributes of the skeleton and creates a `character set node`, for Maya’s non-linear animation tools. KillCharacter’: Bakes all clips on selected character and restores keys to original nodes. Control Curves: Mirrors the shape of the control curves from left to right or vice versa After you created the AdvancedSkeleton, you might find that the control curves. are not ideally scaled/positioned for easy selecting. So you might have to sculpt the curves (by moving/scaling the cv`s) to fit better. This mirror tool allows you to do the adjustments on one side, then mirror it across. Partial Joints: creates child joints in the deformationSystem that rotates partially to its parent, Skinning to these joints provides partial rotation effect without the loss of volume that occurs when blending weights. FitMode: Preserves X-down joint orientations, and maintains set driven keys. This allows you to move joints, without loosing it`s X down alignment. Also lets you rotate finger joints, and preserve the `curl` set driven keys. Display: Joint size: Set the joint display size.
SelectorDesigner This tool is for creating `Selection Tools`. When you first open this, it will be blank.
First step is to bring in an image of your character as the background (Edit->Background..)
Next you need to create the buttons. To create a button: 1.Select the animation control object that you want the button to select when clicked. (e.g. "FKWrist_R") 2.Use the middle mouse button to `click and drag` the area you want the button.
Finally make sure to save the newly created tool. (File->Save) Once saved, you can add a shelf button that will launch the tool (File->;Put on shelf) See animated gif for how to use create buttons, and access the popup menus. These `Selection Tools` that are built by the `SelectorDesigner`, are free to be distributed. AdvancedSkeleton is not required to run these. A example `Selector` called "biped" is provided, click the last button on the shelf to run it. This is what the "biped" selector looks like:
Selector Tools comes with animation utilities menus.
PoserDesignerThis tool is for creating `Poser Tools`. When you first open this, it will be blank.
Along the toolbar of the window are the following controls:
By using these controls, you can build up your poser library:
Finally make sure to save the newly created tool. (File->Save) And like SelectorDesigner, you can add a shelf button that will launch the tool (File->;Put on shelf) `Poser Tools` built by `PoserDesigner` are also free for distribution, and does not require AdvancedSkeleton. Note that if you use the `only selected` option, then not only does the selected controls alone get stored, but it also looks for selected attributes in the channelBox. If you select 1 object and 1 attribute, and the attribute is of the `Limited Range` type attribute, then a slider will be generated to control the attribute (useful for blendShape attributes). The "anim" checkBox allows you to store animation clips instead of poses. Applying poses/animations: To apply pose/animation to your character simply click a button. To select or key the controls that are part of the pose/animation, right>click>.. a button. To apply pose/animation at the characters current position shift>click a button. To apply animation relative to current time shift>click a button. To apply animation relative to current values ctrl>click a button. Poser Tools comes with animation utilities menus.
Help Open the help files in a browser.
Selector:biped This is a sample `Selector`, created with the SelectorDesigner tool.
5. Animation Utilities: Tools created by SelectorDesigner or PoserDesigner comes with a standard set of menu items, providing useful utilities for the animator.
-Edit>Refresh: Rescan the scene, and update the character drop down menu.
-Pose>Copy: Copy current pose. Ctrl/Alt>click will copy selected controls only. >;Paste: Paste pose. Ctrl/ Alt>click keeps the All control in the same place. >Reset: Go to Build Pose >Mirror: Mirror Pose. Use optionBox to specify side, space & axis. -Anim>Copy: Copy animation. Ctrl>click will copy selected controls only. >;Paste: Paste animation. Alt>click pastes "relative to current time" Ctrl>click pastes "relative to current time & values"
6. The Controls:
FKIKControlCurves For every IK system there is a FKIKControlCurve. These are the controls that let you blend between FK / IK modes,
The attributes for these control curves are: FKIKBlend: value 0 = FK and value 10 = IK.
FKVis: value On = FK-Control-Curves visible
IKVis: value On = IK-Control-Curves visible
The FKVis / IKVis attributes are used for changing / animating the visibility of FK- / IK- Control-Curves. Useful for displaying only the ControlCurves needed for the mode you are working in.
FKCurves The FKCurves are light-blue circles.
These controls can only be rotated. The following attributes might be found on this type of control: global: for maintaining world space orientation.
The IKCurves are red boxes.
IKCurve can be translated and rotated (PoleVectorCurves can only be translated). The following attributes might be found on this type of control: swivel: sets the orientation of the knee follow: for switching whether to inherit parent transform or not. roll: foot rolling from heel to toe. rollAngle: the number of degrees to `roll` each transform in the foot roll system stiff: sharpness of splineIk curvature. stretchy: for blending in/out IK stretching. antiPop: set amount of scale compensating to avoid IK popping. See animated gif for example of antiPop.
IKCurves(foot-roll) Controls for manual rolling of heel and toe.
WagCurves Controls the automatic `wagging` function. The best way to understand this feature is to animate the rotation and see the effect. The added attributes are: use: turn this `on` to enable the calculation of the wag. timeOffset: number of frames to delay animation for each joint in the chain. multiply: rotation amount multiplier for every joint in the chain. increment: amount of increment of rotation for each joint in the chain towards the last joint.
PropCurves The PropCurve is similar to the FKCurve, except that the PropCurve can be translated.
AimCurves This controls the `Look At` aim system. Most used for eyes, were this control is the target that the eyes look at. The added attributes are: cross: Amount of cross eyed. Default is 1, where the eyes will be looking straight forward (empty stare) Set the value to 0, where the eyes will be converging to focus on the AimCurve control. follow: for switching whether to inherit parent transform or not.
CenterCurves This controls the top of the AdvancedSkeleton FK hierarchy. The following attributes might be found on this type of control: CenterBtwFeet: Set whether the center of the character should automatically be kept between the IK feet. Extra All the animation controls have a "Extra" control. These a accessed by selecting a curve, then pick-walk up (up-arrow). The `Extra-Controls` can be useful for many situations, such as avoiding gimbal lock. The shapes and colors of these control curves can be changed, by modifying the file: "".
这些控制曲线的属性:FKIKBlend:值0 = FK和值10 =IK。
7. Feedback: AdvancedSkeleton is constantly improving with input from the users. If you have any suggestions/comments about AdvancedSkeleton, please do not hesitate to contact us. Copyright 2009 ‘Animation Studios’
本人测试安装.. 确实可用..
改善了一些蹩脚的功能.. .
习惯使用1.85或者2.0版本的人也可以在这里找到这些.. .
还请大家多多包含.. .
大概是家里速度慢的关系.. 我尽量24小时开机.. .
因为收到过好多反馈..貌似1.85和2.0资源少的很抽象.. .
如果很急用的话..可以把邮箱留下.. .
更新了3.1版本.. 作者概述.. 可以兼容Maya2010和2011.. 不过貌似有Bug报2011运行出错的.. 2011版本的还是慎用吧.. 嘿嘿… .
支持系统:linux, mac, windows
软件版本:6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 2008, 2009, 2010
至于2011…, 还是谨慎吧.., 版本里并没有写2011..,
不过生命在于尝试 (ps: ^^.., 虽然我没试过..,)
Created / Updated:Sep 26, 2000 / Oct 22, 2010
Platforms:linux, mac, windows
Maya:6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 2008, 2009, 2010
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