自动程序安装工具 v7.8.6.0[压缩包] Almeza MultiSet Professional v7 8 6 0 Multilingual Cracked-DJiNN zip
- 4 12 月, 2022
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英文名: Almeza MultiSet Professional
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v7.8.6.0
发行时间: 2011年
制作发行: Almeza Company
语言: 英文
应用平台:Windows 7/Vista/XP/200x/NT/ME/98SE
Almeza MultiSet Professional 是一款界面简洁的自动程序安装工具。不需要编写程序,用这个程序可以使你从大量的程序安装过程中解放出来。并且可以在安装过程中实现注册信息的输入。
Want to create a Windows installation disk or USB Flash Drive that will automatically install the OS Windows without asking questions about username, product key, time and locale settings?
At the same time your favorite applications are automatically installed, the necessary keys are entered into the registry, drivers are updated, new patches (service packs) from Microsoft are installed. It’s possible and you can do it easily with Almeza MultiSet.
Almeza MultiSet will automatically install all the applications you require, either onto your original computer or onto a new one. It’s an ideal solution for rebuilding your systems quickly!
Supported OS:
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server, 7
Create a bootable USB Flash Drive. You can use Almeza MultiSet Professional software to create a bootable USB Flash Drive for automatic installing Windows and software onto a computer.
Create a bootable automatic installation CD/DVD. You can use MultiSet software to create a universal disk for automatic installing software onto a computer using any media (CD/DVD/Flash/Hard Drive). Automatic Installation Anywhere!
Now you can install the programs in any location and as many times as you want – just insert the disk into the CDROM, DVDROM or FlashDrive, and MultiSet will undertake the complete installation procedure for you!
Do you want to automate installation of programs but have no time to learn how to write the necessary scripts? Do you prefer simple and convenient solutions? Do you want to see the results immediately? This is just the answer you have been looking for!
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自动程序安装工具 v7.8.6.0[压缩包] Almeza MultiSet Professional v7 8 6 0 Multilingual Cracked-DJiNN zip → http://www.books51.com/298997.html |
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