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[Java基本教程Android应用程序开发].Lynda.com.Android.App.Development.with.Java.Essenti …

中文名: Java基本教程Android应用程序开发

英文名: Lynda.com Android App Development with Java Essential Training

资源格式: 压缩包

主讲人: Lee Brimelow

发行日期: 2011年7月15日

地区: 美国

对白语言: 英语

文字语言: 英文




11m 18s



Using the exercise files


What you should know

1m 29s

Updates to Android Development Toolkit

8m 14s

1. Getting Started

28m 19s

Installing the SDK tools on a Windows machine

4m 12s

Installing the SDK tools on a Mac

1m 32s

Installing platforms and samples

3m 11s

Creating an Android Virtual Device (emulator)

5m 46s

Installing Eclipse on a Mac

2m 50s

Installing Eclipse on a Windows machine

3m 56s

Installing the Android Development Tools

4m 43s

Preparing an Android device for development

2m 9s

2. Android App Fundamentals

1h 24m

Overview of Android development

8m 51s

Understanding project creation and structure

9m 44s

Working with the AndroidManifest.xml file

4m 27s

Creating and managing activities

16m 17s

Using explicit intents

10m 15s

Using implicit intents

8m 45s

Creating and using resources

9m 47s

Understanding security and permissions

7m 2s

Debugging an app

9m 6s

3. The User Interface and Controls

50m 55s

Understanding units and layout

7m 11s

Using layout managers

7m 7s

Working with text controls

7m 15s

Building button controls

6m 34s

Building list controls

7m 12s

Building custom list layouts

12m 20s

Other interesting controls

3m 16s

4. Graphics and Styling

28m 1s

Creating and using styles

7m 36s

Creating and using themes

4m 56s

Creating icons

7m 20s

Creating NinePatch drawables

8m 9s

5. Supporting Multiple Screens

11m 26s

Understanding screen size and density

6m 19s

Providing alternate layouts

5m 7s

6. Animation and Graphics

25m 59s

Setting up frame-by-frame animation

8m 56s

Showing tween animation

10m 22s

Working in 2D graphics

6m 41s

7. Menus and Dialogs

33m 19s

Setting up options menus

8m 50s

Building context menus

7m 16s

Building alert dialogs

7m 4s

Setting up progress dialogs

5m 11s

Creating custom dialogs

4m 58s

8. Notifications and Toast

15m 18s

Displaying status bar notifications

12m 0s

Displaying toast notifications

3m 18s

9. Working with Media

17m 10s

Setting up audio playback

4m 0s

Establishing video playback

5m 11s

Accessing the camera and camera roll

7m 59s

10. Preferences and Data Storage

43m 35s

Using shared preferences

8m 41s

Creating a preferences activity

9m 4s

Using the SQLite database

8m 47s

Setting up network access

10m 25s

Using ContentProviders

6m 38s

11. Locations and Maps

24m 45s

Incorporating Google Maps

14m 1s

Using GPS to find the current location

10m 44s

12. Creating a Home Screen Widget

34m 24s

Creating a simple home-screen widget

17m 14s

Creating a widget configuration activity

17m 10s

13. Publishing Your App

18m 51s

Preparing for publishing

4m 3s

Signing and building

3m 32s

Preparing the graphics

3m 34s

Publishing to the Android Market

7m 42s


6m 18s

Using the SDK samples

2m 30s

More useful resources

3m 48s




主讲:Lee Brimelow

教程所使用的软件:Android 2

本课程全面的了解Android 的体系结构,教导如何使用 Java 编程语言构建和部署Android 手机和平板电脑的应用程序。以及安装所需的开发工具,包括Eclipse和Android SDK ,课程包括如何建立本地数据的用户界面、将数据从加速度传感器和其他应用程序集成和部署到 Android。

This course is a comprehensive look at the Android architecture that teaches how to build and deploy applications for Android phones and tablets using the Java programming language. Starting with the installation of the required developer tools, including Eclipse and the Android SDK, the course covers how to build the user interface, work with local data, integrate data from the accelerometer and other sensors, and deploy finished applications to the Android Market.

Topics include:

Understanding project creation and structure

Using explicit and implicit intents

Setting up security and permissions

Building text, button, and list controls

Applying styles and themes to the interface

Providing alternate layouts for different screen sizes

Creating menus and dialogs

Working with audio and video

Adding animation

Displaying notifications

Using input from sensors

Creating a home screen widget


《Java基本教程Android应用程序开发》(Lynda.com Android App Development with Java Essential Training)[压缩包]

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