VB与SQL的学习密钥 (Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL)Session 1[ISO] Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL iso
- 1 12 月, 2022
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英文名: Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: Session 1
Learnkey 公司的VB教程,此Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL教程就是讲述了VB与SQL结合开发,如何共同发挥各自其最大功效,开发出强大的程序!
Welcome to LearnKey's CD-ROM Training.
This CD-ROM will help guide you through the powerful
features of this software.
LearnKey's CD-ROMs have an auto play feature. Training may also be
accessed by completing the following steps:
1. Click the Start button
2. Point to Programs
3. Point to LearnKey
4. Point to Training
5. Click User Log In – Registration
A Single User installation will take
approximately 20 megabytes of hard disk space.
>>>> WINDOWS 95, 98, NT 4.0 & 2000<<<<
If you want to manually run the install program:
1. Start Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000
2. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM Drive
3. Choose Run from the Start button in Windows 95, 98, or Windows NT 4.0.
4. Type D:\setup.exe (If necessary, substitute D
with the correct letter for your CD-ROM drive.)
5. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
The first time that you run the CD-ROM, the Registration
Page appears. Otherwise, the User Log In Page appears.
Type the user information into the fields, then click the
Add button. This will add the new user to the database.
WARNING: Remember what you type in these fields. Consider
Writing down your user name and password for later reference and
storing them in a secure location. They are not accessible if
you forget them.
The Enter button only works when the entire form is completed.
The INDEX button displays an index of the CD-ROM. Each
section of the CD-ROM is organized into topics and
subtopics. Click any topic to go directly to its training.
To close the directory window, click the INDEX button again.
The COACH button displays a list for interactive training.
Each heading links to a lesson window that tests what you have
learned. The challenge session includes thorough, step-by-step
exercises and a variety of learning tools. To close the challenge
window, click the COACH button again.
The GLOSSARY button displays an alphabetical list of terms
covered by the author in the training CD-ROM. Upon clicking a
term, a definition screen explains the word. To close the
glossary window, click the Close button.
The InterACT button allows you to switch between this CD-ROM
and additional resources available for this CD-ROM . Use the Interact
button to train with the additional labs, access course outlines, and find
specific web resources associated for this training.
The TEST button advances you to the Pre-Test / Post-Test
Selection Page where you can choose between a Pre-Test or a
Post-Test. Begin your training and skills assessment here.
The Help (?) button opens a set of web pages that provide
detailed information on using the CD-ROM. This button can be
used anywhere in the program.
The Minimize (-) button shrinks the window to an icon and title
bar on your Windows taskbar. Clicking the icon on the Windows
taskbar restores the window. This button can be used anywhere in
the program.
The Close (X) button allows you to exit the training back to the log-on page.
From this page use the Close (X) to exit the program. This button
can be used anywhere in the program.
The Play, Pause, and Stop VCR-style buttons allow you to control
the action on the screen. Clicking the play button more than once
advances you through all of the subcomponents of that module.
You can move the window on your screen by dragging the background
area of the window to any location on your screen. This feature
can be used anywhere in the program.
350MHz Pentium® II processor
30MB available hard disk space
640×480 (16-bit color)
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000
100% Sound Blaster® compatible sound card
486/100MHz processor
20MB available hard disk space
640×480 (16-bit color)
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000
100% Sound Blaster® compatible sound card
[已通过安全检测]金山毒霸2007 病毒库:06年10月份
服务器:DonkeyServer No1-DonkeyServer No6
共享条件:ADSL HIGHID ;上传80KB;[MetalEye]铁目诱惑
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VB与SQL的学习密钥 (Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL)Session 1[ISO] Learnkey-Visual Basic with SQL iso → http://www.books51.com/291529.html |
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