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全名:Masters Collection: Total Training for Advanced Flash Professional 8 ActionScript
Hosted by John Ulliman
在这份最新的Flash动作脚本教程高级篇中,让你通向Flash Actionscript应用大师的经典技法,这是一份极佳Flash脚本实例教程,本教程非常注重对相应的知识进行综合应用,通过DVD视频教程以最快速度掌握Flash ActionScript编程技能。Total Training for Advanced Flash Professional 8 ActionScript不仅仅要给Web开发者提供创建高级web站点的基础工具,Flash媒体动画设计师,广告,影视商业作品从业人员。其目标读者既包括的Flash设计开发者,又包括那些要将技术转移到ActionScript上的JavaScript程序员!可做为一份很好的技术学习与培训教程..[E维]
Learn how to unleash your creative potential with advanced tutorials on the industry’s most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites. You will learn scripting basics and then dive into how ActionScript works and how and where to include it in your applications..
Total Training for Advanced Flash Professional 8 ActionScript:目标等级中级到高级用户,DVD视频播放时长: 11 小时, 共2 DVD,本视频教程还包括了教学过程的全部设计源文件,非常方便学习与研究,汲取权威讲师的不为人知的技法。Total Training for Advanced Flash Professional 8 ActionScript 使用这一Flash脚本语言高级视频教学,你可以学习如何激发自己在互动网页构建上创造潜能,及如何将其运用发挥到你的工作中。E维,激活你在Flash 互动设计方面的技巧,展现了隐藏在惊人创造力背后的独特的AS脚本应用和互动设计理念。2DVD教程详尽探讨了如何以Action Script创建动态的实例应用视觉效果,提高在电影短片,声效及控制按钮方面脚本技巧学习构建动人的2D动画和动画视频制作!Hosted by John Ulliman已经撰写了Flash脚本编写方面的高级的、真正的指南!官方价格:Price: $179.99
1:ISO格式(安装Alcohol 120%进行虚拟或直接DVD刻录) 2:得安装Quicktime与Ensharpen Codec最新版进行播放。×54/john_ulliman.jpg
关于作者:John Ulliman 是Macromedia 公司的指定讲师.他本人的公司与多家多媒体软件公司有密切合作.
1. GEttING STARTED (1:05:12 min)
Lesson 1: The Trace Function & Comments
Lesson 2: ActionScript Preferences & the Check Syntax Button
Lesson 3: The Actions Panel
Lesson 4: Creating a Variable
Lesson 5: Identifying & Measuring Movie Clips
Lesson 6: Accessing the Values of Movie Clip Properties
Lesson 7: Changing the Properties of Other Movie Clips
Lesson 8: Adding Dynamic Text & Buttons
Lesson 9: Using the TextField.text Property of Dynamic Text
Lesson 10: Best Practices for Working with String & Number Variables
Lesson 11: Using Script Assist to Attach Script to a Button
Lesson 12: Keeping Your Script Organized
Lesson 13: Connecting All the Actions Together
Lesson 1: Changing the Position and Size of an Object
Lesson 2: Introducing Dot Syntax[E维] Lesson 3: Using the Movie Explorer
Lesson 4: Placing Objects Inside Other Objects Using Paths
Lesson 5: Comparing Absolute vs. Relative Paths
Lesson 6: Altering the Parent of an Object
Lesson 7: Using the Insert a Target Path Tool
Lesson 8: De.ning Classes, Objects, Properties, Methods, & Events
Lesson 9: Adding an Event Handler to a Movie Clip
Lesson 10: Making Things Easier by Declaring Object Types
Lesson 11: Building a Button
Lesson 12: Using a Method to Add a Specific Action to a button
Lesson 13: Understanding the Purpose of Objects e.g. Date
Lesson 14: Using Various Methods to Obtain Specific Date Data
Lesson 15: Creating a Named Dynamic Text Field
3. TEXT & FORM HANDLING (54:20 min)
Lesson 1: Creating Dynamic Text Fields from Static Text
Lesson 2: Using ActionScript to Insert Text into a Field
Lesson 3: Modifying TextField Properties to Size & Wrap Text
Lesson 4: Overview of Creating Text Fields with ActionScript
Lesson 5: Creating New Text Fields with ActionScript
Lesson 6: Changing Text Color with ActionScript
Lesson 7: Changing Text Properties with a TextFormat Object
Lesson 8: Using setNewTextFormat, Grouping Scripts & Auto Format
Lesson 9: Embedding Fonts into a Flash Movie
Lesson 10: Creating Input Text Fields
Lesson 11: Retrieving Data from Input Fields
Lesson 12: Exporting Data to a Website via URL
Lesson 13: Adding Navigation Between the Form & Home Text
Lesson 1: Importing Data from a Text File Using a LoadVars Object
Lesson 2: Accessing Variables in a Text File
Lesson 3: Setting Up How the Data Displays on Screen
Lesson 4: Setting Up a Navigation System to Access Variables
Lesson 5: Introducing Components
Lesson 6: Setting Parameters & Using ActionScript to Load Lables
Lesson 7: Using a TextArea Component
Lesson 8: Linking the ComboBox Data to the TextArea Data
Lesson 9: Setting Up an XMLConnector to Bring in Data
Lesson 10: Setting Up a Binding in the Component Inspector
Lesson 11: Binding an Array of Data to the ComboBox
Lesson 12: Binding the Description to the ComboBox
Lesson 13: Assigning the Default Value for the Selected Index
Lesson 14: Adding Areas & Setting Up Their Bindings
Lesson 15: Using a Loader Component to Load Graphics
Lesson 16: Adding Image Loaders for the Sun & Water Indicators
Lesson 17: Changing Styles with ActionScript
Lesson 1: Creating Simple Animations with ActionScript
Lesson 2: Using Buttons to Play & Stop Animations
Lesson 3: Writing Script to Control the Alpha of a Movie Clip
Lesson 4: Using a Conditional Statement to Create Smarter Animations
Lesson 5: Creating a Reusable Function
Lesson 6: Adjusting the Speed of the Animation
Lesson 7: Creating Buttons to Fade In & Out
Lesson 8: Varying the Speed of an Animation
Lesson 9: Creating & Using Functions
Lesson 10: Animating with the SetInterval Function
Lesson 11: Animating with Transitions
Lesson 12: Animating with the Easing Parameter
Lesson 13: Adding Tweens to an Animation
Lesson 14: Comparing Di.erent Methods of Tweening
Lesson 15: Final Comments & Credits
Total Training Advanced Flash Professional 8 Actionscript Vol.2
2006.6月最新释放的由totaltraining.com出品的精品Flash动作脚本教程,学习Flash8脚本语言的高级应用-高级篇。共2DVD,这是vol.2 (DVD2)探索ActionScript脚本的综合应用技法实例,具体简介如下:
Lesson 1: Setting Up a Basic Slide Presentation
Lesson 2: Masking JPEGs to Use as Background Images
Lesson 3: Setting Up a Reusable Text Animation
Lesson 4: Creating New Slide Screens Using Established Layout
Lesson 5: Adjusting the Text Background to Match the Text
Lesson 6: Working with Form Screens
Lesson 7: Creating Buttons Based on ActionScript
Lesson 8: Using ActionScript to Add Styles to Buttons
Lesson 9: Using ActionScript to Set Up Button Behaviors
Lesson 10: Using Tween Classes to Create a Tracking Pointer
Lesson 11: Using the Go To Slide Method
2. BUILDING A BASIC GAME (55:48 min)
Lesson 1: Placing the Button & the Bubble
Lesson 2: Using the Math Function for Random Placement
Lesson 3: Using the Duplicate Movie Clip Function
Lesson 4: Storing the Movement of a Bubble in an "initObject"
Lesson 5: Making the Bubbles Move Randomly
Lesson 6: Staying Inside a Frame with Conditional Statements
Lesson 7: Setting Up a hittest
Lesson 8: Rotation, Alpha & Unloading the MovieClips
Lesson 9: Making the Pin a Dragable Element
Lesson 10: Creating More Bubbles with "for" Statements
Lesson 11: Adding a Sound Object
Lesson 12: Adding the Score & Starting Position of the Pin
Lesson 1: Setting Up the Key Command
Lesson 2: Creating Variables & Instances to Control Motion
Lesson 3: Creating a Function to Listen to Keyboard Commands
Lesson 4: Using the Attach Move Method
Lesson 5: Creating an Init Bullet to Shoot from the Gun
Lesson 6: Removing Unused Movie Clips
Lesson 7: Creating an Init Function for the Aliens
Lesson 8: Setting Up the Alien Movement
Lesson 9: Using the Hit Test Method for Movie Clip Collision
Lesson 10: Setting Up Sounds & Explosions on Contact
Lesson 11: Setting Up Hits & Misses
Lesson 1: Importing Video & Changing Parameters
Lesson 2: Managing Video Playback Options
Lesson 3: Accessing the Control Bar & Video Content
Lesson 4: Building a Control Bar & Customizing Buttons
Lesson 5: Setting Up a Video Playlist
Lesson 6: Placing Cue Points in the Video
Lesson 7: Using Listener Objects to Get Data from a Cue Point
Lesson 8: Animating Movie Clips to Sync with Cue Points
Lesson 9: Setting Up Video & XML Files for Closed Captioning
Lesson 10: Parsing the XML File
Lesson 11: Setting up a "for" Loop
Lesson 12: Assigning the Caption Text to the Cue Points
5. PUttING IT ALL TOGETHER (1:00:02 min)
Lesson 1: Formatting a Slideshow in ActionScript
Lesson 2: Extracting Data from an XML File
Lesson 3: Adding Thumbnails into a Flash Movie
Lesson 4: Perfecting Rollovers with Nesting & Tweening
Lesson 5: Building a Function to Generalize Script
Lesson 6: Loading Mulitple Images Using a Single Function
Lesson 7: Arranging Thumbnail Positions in a Flash Movie
Lesson 8: Using a SetInterval Function to Animate Images
Lesson 9: Coordinating Animation with the User’s Mouse Movement
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