
Gnomon workshop是世界权威的CG视频网站. 他们在CG视频教程中是高质量的代名词。他们定期邀请全世界的顶尖CG艺术家来为他们制作CG视频教程,内容涵盖面非常广。

Gnomon教程. 让我们在CG设计路上不再独行~ 让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面~ 少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同~ Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐. ……..


该资源为Gnomon最新出品的Introduction to Maya Fluid Effects Volume One: Smoke and Flames.


教学时长: 3小时48分



This DVD consists of five stand-alone lessons that cover various techniques using Maya’s fluid dynamics. In each lesson, Wayne walks you through his process, providing the viewer with a greater understanding of how to set up dynamic fluid simulations for production shot assets. Wayne starts by showing you how to create a believable fire simulation. He demonstrates how to control Maya fluids with a variety of textures and expressions to create a highly detailed and believable flame thrower effect. He then demonstrates how to create various smoke effects, including the desired “wispy smoke” effect. Wayne also discusses his methods for controlling fluid emission and motion using a variety of emission controls, collisions, and fields, to produce complex smoke, fire and dust simulations.

Creating believable fire
Creating oil smoke assets
Texture Maya Fluids with detailed ramps and expression
Creating wispy looking smoke
Creating a smoke bomb effect with the use of dynamic fields
Creating ground dust elements that could be used for various effects
Lighting Maya Fluids
Rendering Maya Fluids


Wayne Hollingsworth
FX Artist

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Wayne Hollingsworth began his career in visual effects at The Moving Picture Company. After his stay there, he began freelancing, making stops at A52, Luma Pictures, and most recently Psyop, having worked on Thor and Battle Field LA. One of his passions is to strengthen the Maya community and continue to contribute to the knowledge base regarding Maya Fluid dynamics. Wayne graduated with his Masters degree in computer animation and visual effects from Digital Media Arts College.

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Gnomon出品Maya流体效果视频教程第一辑 The Gnomon Workshop Introduction to Maya Fluid Effects Vol 1 DVD-iNKiSO iso → http://www.books51.com/188431.html



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