Premiere Pro CS5 5新功能视频教程 Lynda com Premiere Pro CS5 5 New Features-QUASAR iso
- 29 10 月, 2022
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快捷索引 出品的时长27分钟的 Premiere Pro CS5.5新功能 视频教程。由David Basulto详细地概述最新版Premiere Pro视频编辑软件提高工作效力的新增功能。讲述如何编辑RED镜头无损,位置和修正关键帧的时间线,导出多种文件格式重新处理媒体编码等。本教程附带练习文件。 ——摘自(xuehui@TLF)
In Premiere Pro CS5.5 New Features, author David Basulto details the latest productivity enhancements to the Premiere Pro video editing workflow. Covering preproduction through delivery, the course shows how to edit RED footage nondestructively, place and modify keyframes directly on the timeline, and export to multiple file formats with the redesigned Media Encoder. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Choosing the appropriate keyboard layout
* Building custom sequences
* Syncing audio and video into a merged clip
* Roundtripping with Audition to sweeten audio
* Collaborating on the fly with CS Re
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