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网址:http://www.lynda.com/Dreamweaver … weaver/80302-2.html

Lynda.com 出品的时长3小时33分钟的 Dreamweaver上的CSS网页布局 频教程。由Joseph Lowery演示了如何最大限度地利用Dreamweaver内的布局功能(包括HTML5布局),联合CSS创建易于维护的网页。内容包括布局的基本概念,比如方框模式,document flow,适度使用float。二至三栏网页布局,自定义CSS3的圆角生成器,faux columns和Spry widgets等高级功能。本教程附带练习文件。

This course shows how to use the combined power of Dreamweaver and CSS to create compelling, easy-to-maintain web page layouts. After demonstrating how to maximize Dreamweaver’s built-in layouts (including HTML5 layouts), author Joseph Lowery reviews essential layout concepts such as the box model, document flow, and the proper use of floats. Next, the course covers how to develop an array of basic 2- and 3-column layouts from the ground up, and then how to customize them with advanced features like CSS3 rounded corners, faux columns, and Spry widgets. The course concludes with a demonstration of techniques for converting a desktop layout to one better suited for tablets and smart phones. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
Exploring HTML5 templates in Dreamweaver
Understanding document flow
Using floats properly
Resetting CSS styles
Creating a 1-, 2-, or 3-column layout
Deciding on a fixed width versus variable width design
Coding layouts for HTML5 and CSS 3
Incorporating floated elements
Applying the faux column technique
Using Spry widgets
Using Multiscreen Preview
Modifying desktop layout for tablets
Developing smart phone layouts


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Dreamweaver上的CSS网页布局教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com Layouts with CSS in Dreamweaver-QUASAR iso → http://www.books51.com/188002.html



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