英语词汇扩展 第1版 Sherrie L·Nist,Carole Mohr
- 26 10 月, 2022
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作者: Sherrie L.Nist
Carole Mohr
图书分类: 外语
资源格式: PDF
版本: 第1版
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
书号: 7810954466
发行时间: 2006年11月
地区: 大陆
语言: 英文
pretest of the whole book
unit one
unit one pretest
chapter 1 joseph palmer
chapter 2 telephone salespeople
chapter 3 a cruel sport
chapter 4 bald is beautiful
chapter 5 no luck with women
chapter 6 a taste of parenthood (word parts)
unit one review (crossword puzzle)
unit one tests
unit two
unit two pretest
chapter 7 accident and recovery
chapter 8 animal senses
chapter 9 money problems
chapter 10 the new french employee
chapter 11 a cruel teacher
. chapter 12 it”s never too late (word parts)
unit two review (crossword puzzle)
unit two tests
unit three
unit three pretest
chapter t3 learning to study
chapter 14 the mad monk
chapter 15 conflict over holidays
chapter 16 dr. martin luther king, jr.
chapter 17 relating to parents
chapter 18 held back by fears (word parts)
unit three review (crossword puzzle)
unit three tests
unit four
unit four pretest
chapter 19 interview with a rude star
chapter 20 the nightmare of gym
chapter 21 skipping church
chapter 22 a model teacher
chapter 23 my talented roommate
chapter 24 fascinating courses (word parts)
unit four review (crossword puzzle)
unit four tests
unit five
unit five pretest
chapter 25 cal and his sisters
chapter 26 shoplifter
chapter 27 a nutty newspaper office
chapter 28 roughing it
chapter 29 getting scared
chapter 30 my sister”s date
unit five review (crossword puzzle)
unit five tests
posttest of the whole book
appen dixes
a answer key
1.answers to the pretest of the whole book
2.answers to the unit pretests
3.answers to the chapter activities
4.answers to the posttest of the whole book
b list of words and word parts
“英语词汇学习丛书”由美国著名的教材教辅出版社townsend press出版,是美国大学生使用最为广泛的扩大词汇的教学辅导图书之一。在美国,一个学生的前途在某种程度上取决于他的词汇量的大小。对于我国广大英语学习者来说,词汇学习当然是英语学习的一个重要方面。
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