江南1970 강남 1970 | 庾河,李敏镐
- 11 10 月, 2022
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导演: 庾河
编剧: 庾河
主演: 李敏镐 / 金来沅 / 郑镇荣 / 金雪炫 / 刘承睦/ 更多…
类型: 剧情 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 韩国
语言: 韩语
上映日期: 2015-01-21(韩国)
片长: 141分钟
又名: 江南黑夜(港) / 江南布鲁斯 / Gangnam 1970 / Gangnam Blues
In the 1970s, during the height of political corruption, Gangnam, the southern part of Seoul is starting to be transformed into a developed area. Childhood friends Jong-dae and Yong-ki struggle to get by, until their shanty homes are demolished by local thugs. Desperate for cash, they get involved in violent political clashes, and are separated during one of the skirmishes. Three years later, Jong-dae lives as an honest man with former gang leader Kil-su. Meanwhile, Yong-ki has joined Seoul's most powerful criminal organization, the Myeongdong-pa. As a gangster, Yong-ki is entangled in a high-stakes battle over land in Gangnam, all in the name of putting together secret presidential election funds that drive up the value of the city. As the gangs fight over the rights to various plots of land, Yong-ki is captured and interrogated by a rival gang. The southern part of Stransformed into a developed area.
江南1970的剧情概述 · · · · · ·
白勇奇(金来沅 饰)和金钟大(李敏镐 饰)这对落难兄弟无路可去,偶然机会他们帮黑社会打架,擅长打斗的钟大得到老大姜佶秀的赏识,他为了温饱干脆拜入姜的门下。怎奈世事难料,姜在受伤后金盆洗手,试图退出江湖又身不由己。钟大搭上手眼通天的闵夫人,通过热炒地皮闯出名堂。与此同时,在最初的混战中白勇奇阴差阳错加入敌对帮派,凭着一股狠劲他越做越大,成为帮派中一员不可忽视的猛将。在某次行动中,钟大救下了险些被张德才手下杀害的白勇奇,两个好兄弟久别重逢。
第51届百想艺术大赏 (2015)
电影类 最佳新人男演员(提名) 李敏镐
电影类 最佳新人女演员(提名) 金雪炫
电影类 最佳人气男演员 李敏镐
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江南1970 강남 1970 | 庾河,李敏镐 → http://www.books51.com/101855.html |
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